"Hiš kalda hjarta hafanna"?

Sķšustu 20 įr hafa tölvugerš reiknilķkön gert rįš fyrir lękkun hita į Noršur-Atlantshafi sem afleišingu af hękkun mešalhita į jöršinni į 21. öldinni.  Hér mį sjį eitt af žeim nżjustu, sem sżnt var į mįlžingi į vegum Landsvirkjunar um daginn. Raušu flekkirnir tįkna žau svęši žar sem stašbundin hlżnun veršur mest ķ aldarlok, en hvķti flekkurinn sušur af Gręnlandshafi sżnir kuldapoll, sem er ekki ósvipaš fyrirbęri og viš Ķslendingar höfum oršiš varir viš undanfarnar vikur. 


Danir hafa haft sérstakan įhuga į žessu vegna Fęreyja og Gręnlands og stundaš miklar męlingar allan tķmann į hita sjįvar bęši grunnt og djśpt į žessu svęši. 

Ķ dansk-ķslenskum sjónvarpsžętti 1997 undir heitinu "Hiš kalda hjarta hafanna" var lżst įhyggjum Dana yfir žvķ aš grķšarlegt streymi hins ferska, kalda og létta vatns frį brįšnandi jöklum į Gręnlandi og Ķslandi myndi trufla drifkraft hins risastóra og salta hringlaga hafstraums sem hlykkjast um Atlantshaf og Indlandshaf og Golfstraumurinn er hluti af. 

Golfstraumurinn myndi ekki komast eins langt noršur og įšur og sökkva fyrr nišur ķ žessari hringekju. 

Gęti vešurfar kólnaš alvarlega viš Noršur-Atlantshaf og oršiš miklu rakara en nś er ef žetta fęri svona.

Sömuleišis myndi aukinn munur į hlżjum og svölum svęšum kalla į stórvišrasamara vešurfar, sem viš Ķslendingar höfum sömuleišis heldur betur upplifaš fyrstu mįnuši žessa įrs. 

1997 minntust bęši forseti Ķslands og žįverandi forsętisrįšherra į žessar spįr og taldi forsetinn aš taka bęri žęr alvarlega en forsętisrįšherrann var į žveröfugri skošun og sagši: "Skrattinn er leišinlegt veggskraut".

Hefši hann lķkast til ekki haldist lengi viš vegna leišinda į mįlžingi Landsvirkjunar.  


mbl.is Hitastigiš ekki lęgra sķšan 1997
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 identicon

"Hér mį sjį eitt af žeim nżjustu, sem sżnt var į mįlžingi į vegum Landsvirkjunar um daginn. Raušu flekkirni tįkna žau svęši žar sem stašbundin hlżnun er mest en hvķti flekkurinn sušur af Gręnlandshafi sżnir kuldapoll, sem viš Ķslendingar höfum oršiš varir viš undanfarnar vikur."....2081 til 2100 !!!! Er ekki 2015 eša svaf ég yfir mig????

Hįbeinn (IP-tala skrįš) 4.6.2015 kl. 16:55

2 identicon

Og sé spįkortiš 2081-2100 rétt lesiš žį tįkna raušu flekkirnir žau svęši žar sem stašbundin hlżnun er talin verša mest en hvķti flekkurinn sušur af Gręnlandshafi sżnir svęši žar sem stašbundin hlżnun er talin verša minni. Flekkurinn sušur af Gręnlandshafi er ekki kuldapollur žó spįš sé aš hann muni ekki hlżna eins mikiš og ašrir stašir.

Hįbeinn (IP-tala skrįš) 4.6.2015 kl. 17:09

3 Smįmynd: Žorsteinn Briem

Kalt er hjarta, kulnuš sól,
ķ krķpķ sjallaflokknum,
klaka žakiš kyndugt tól,
ķ kristilega smokknum.

Žorsteinn Briem, 4.6.2015 kl. 17:10

4 identicon

Kaldasti maķ sķšan 1997

og ansi langt ķ aš viš getum ręktaš korn

lķkt og Gunnar į Hlķšarenda fór létt meš

žrįtt fyrir léleg afbrigši og verkfęri

engum manni er dómsdagsmengunarspįmašur lķkur

Grķmur (IP-tala skrįš) 4.6.2015 kl. 18:59

5 identicon

Žegar allt um žrżtur og kuldinn į Ķslandi brżtur öll lögmįl IPCC-trśarbragšanna er gott aš leita ķ ęvintżraheim heittrśašra.

Raunveruleikinn er hins vegar annar. Gręnland er ekki aš brįšna umfram ešlilega nįttśrulega sveiflu, svo einfalt er žaš Ómar Ragnarsson.

Ef žś trśir žvķ ekki žį mį vķsa ķ glęnżja fréttagrein um hina meintu skelfilegu Gręnlandsbrįšnun: http://www.mbl.is/frettir/taekni/2015/06/04/skyrdu_hvarf_vatns_a_graenlandsjokli/

Allt ķ plati ķ ęvintżrum glópahlżnunartrśarbragšanna, eins og venjulega.

Hilmar Hafsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 4.6.2015 kl. 19:48

6 Smįmynd: Höršur Žóršarson

 Góš fęrsla, Ómar.

Höršur Žóršarson, 4.6.2015 kl. 19:54

7 Smįmynd: Höršur Žóršarson

Hęgt er aš sjį myndina ķ helid sinni hér:


Höršur Žóršarson, 4.6.2015 kl. 19:55

8 Smįmynd: Emil Hannes Valgeirsson

Seltan ķ sjónum hefur aukist lķtillega samkvęmt fréttinni. Žaš ętti aš benda til žess aš sjórinn hafi kólnaš vegna kaldra vinda (frį Kanada) og aš žetta sé ekki seltulķtill heimskautasjór śr noršri eša Gręnlenskur bręšslusjór?

Emil Hannes Valgeirsson, 4.6.2015 kl. 20:07

9 Smįmynd: Höršur Žóršarson

"Raunveruleikinn er hins vegar annar. Gręnland er ekki aš brįšna umfram ešlilega nįttśrulega sveiflu, svo einfalt er žaš Ómar Ragnarsson."

Ertu ekki meš öllum mjalla, HH?


"The planet's two largest ice sheets – in Greenland and Antarctica – are now being depleted at an astonishing rate of 120 cubic miles each year. That is the discovery made by scientists using data from CryoSat-2, the European probe that has been measuring the thickness of Earth's ice sheets and glaciers since it was launched by the European Space Agency in 2010.

Even more alarming, the rate of loss of ice from the two regions has more than doubled since 2009, revealing the dramatic impact that climate change is beginning to have on our world."


Höršur Žóršarson, 4.6.2015 kl. 20:37

10 identicon

Fyrirgefšu Höršur Žóršarson. Reyndar į Gręnlandsjökull langt ķ land meš aš nį ešlilegri nįttśrulegri sveiflu ķ brįšnun žetta įriš:


Hvaš varš fjöšrin aftur aš mörgum hęnsnabśum ķ IPCC-ęvintżrinu HŽ?

Hilmar Hafsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 4.6.2015 kl. 21:12

11 identicon

Maķmįnušur var kaldari en venjulega į Gręnlandi. Kuldamet var slegiš ķ Danmarkshavn į austurströnd Gręnlands, -11,1°C. Til samanburšar var mešalhiti ķ maķ, tķmabiliš 1961 - 1990, -6,5°C!

Heittrśarmenn segja aš Gręnlandsjökull sé aš brįšna . . .


Hilmar Hafsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 4.6.2015 kl. 23:33

12 identicon

US Senator: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Thursday 4th June 2015 at 07:06 By David Icke

‘That’s right — a sitting U.S. Senator is suggesting using RICO laws should be applied to global warming skeptics. Courts have been defining RICO down for some time and in ways that aren’t particularly helpful. In 1994, the Supreme Court ruled RICO statutes could be applied to pro-life activists on the grounds that interstate commerce can be affected even when the organization being targeted doesn’t have economic motives.

Obviously, there’s a lot of money hanging in the balance with regard to energy policy. But when does coordinating “a wide range of activities, including political lobbying, contributions to political candidates, and a large number of communication and media efforts” go from basic First Amendment expression to racketeering?’

Read more: US Senator: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

Helgi Armannsson (IP-tala skrįš) 5.6.2015 kl. 03:43

13 Smįmynd: Höršur Žóršarson

Takk fyrir aš benda į žetta, Helgi.

"The parallels between what the tobacco industry did and what the fossil'" fuel industry is doing now are striking. ... The coordinated tactics of the climate denial network, Brulle’s report states, “span a wide range of activities, including political lobbying, contributions to political candidates, and a large number of communication and media efforts that aim at undermining climate science.” Compare that again to the findings in the tobacco case.

The tobacco industry was proved to have conducted research that showed the direct opposite of what the industry stated publicly — namely, that tobacco use had serious health effects. Civil discovery would reveal whether and to what extent the fossil fuel industry has crossed this same line. We do know that it has funded research that — to its benefit — directly contradicts the vast majority of peer-reviewed climate science. One scientist who consistently published papers downplaying the role of carbon emissions in climate change, Willie Soon, reportedly received more than half of his funding from oil and electric utility interests: more than $1.2 million."

Žaš sem fólk lętur śt śr sér skriflega į netinu hverfur ekki aušveldlega. Žaš er allt aušrekjanlegt. Vonandi gerir fólk sér žaš ljóst aš žaš getur vel veriš aš vinnuveitendur skoši slķka hluti žegar žaš sękir um vinnu. Ef fólk stundar vķsvitandi skrif sem eru illa igrunduš og stušla aš žvķ aš afbaka sannleikann, žį er ekki ólķklegt aš eftir žvķ verši tekiš.

Höršur Žóršarson, 5.6.2015 kl. 04:46

14 identicon

Žegar allt um žrżtur hjį Herši Žóršarsyni og hann stendur frammi fyrir žvķ aš ęvintżrasögur hans um brįšnun Gręnlandsjökuls hafa veriš afsannašar af nįttśrunni sjįlfri žį grķpur hann til skošanakśgunar į grundvelli berufsverbot!

Aumari getur mįlflutningur eins manns varla oršiš :(

Hilmar Hafsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 5.6.2015 kl. 08:15

15 identicon

Mešalhiti ķ höfušstaš Gręnlands, Nuuk, er sį lęgsti frį upphafi męlinga, -4°C.

Ķslenskir vešurfręšingar ljśga žvķ blįkalt aš Gręnlandsjökull sé aš brįšna!

Hilmar Hafsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 5.6.2015 kl. 21:38

16 identicon

New Reports: There Is No Global Warming


Thursday, 04 Jun 2015 09:43 PM



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      The liberal media machine has spent decades bulldozing anyone who tells you global warming is a sham.

      They even came up with a clever little title — “deniers.”

      Every time a heat wave hits, every time a picture of a lone polar bear gets taken . . . the left pounds the table for environmental reform, more policy, more money to combat climate change. But how much has the world really warmed?

      Their message is simple: Get on the man-made global warming bandwagon . . . or you’re just ignorant.

      But how much has the world really warmed?

      It’s an important question, considering the U.S. government spends $22 billion a year to fight the global warming crisis (twice as much as it spends protecting our border).

      To put that in perspective, that is $41,856 every minute going to global warming initiatives.

      But that's just the tip of a gargantuan iceberg.

      According to Forbes columnist Larry Bell, the ripple effect of global warming initiatives actually costs Americans $1.75 trillion . . . every year.

      That's three times larger than the entire U.S. federal budget deficit.

      So, has anyone stopped to ask . . . how much has the globe actually warmed?

      Well, we asked, and what we found was striking.

      According to NASA’s own data via Remote Sensing Systems(RSS), the world has warmed a mere .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979).

      Hardly anything to panic about; however, that does mean the world is warmer, right?

      The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . since then, we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING!

      As can be seen in this chart, we haven’t seen any global warming for 17 years.

      Weakening the global warming argument is data showing that the North Polar ice cap is increasing in size. Recent satellite images from NASA actually reflect an increase of 43% to 63%.

      This is quite the opposite of what the global warming faction warned us.

      In 2007, while accepting his Nobel Prize for his global warming initiative, Al Gore made this striking prediction, “The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff. It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.”

      Al Gore could not have been more wrong.

      However, despite this clear evidence that the temperatures are not increasing, the global warming hysteria only seems to be increasing.

      For example: President Obama himself tweeted on May 16, 2014: “97% of scientists agree: climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.” John Kerry, Al Gore, and a host of others have championed this statistic.

      Since then, it has become clear that this statistic was inaccurate.

      The Wall Street Journal went as far as to say, “The assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction.” Forbes headlined “Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring ’97% Consensus’ Claims.”

      Come to find out, the study President Obama was citing was botched from the start.

      A host of other problems for the global warming crowd are emerging, such as . . .

        • Leaked emails from global warming scientists state that the Earth is not warming, such as this one from Kevin Trenberth that states, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty we can’t.”

        • Claude Allegre, the founding father of the man-made global warming ethos, recently renounced his position that man has caused warming.

        It is becoming harder and harder for the global warming community to ignore some of the scientific data that show the Earth is not getting warmer . . . instead, the world is getting cooler.

        Which makes one wonder — why are we still spending $22 billion a year on global warming initiatives, and where is the money going? (Click Here to Read a Controversial Report on This Topic.)

        Suggested Reading for You: A former White House adviser and NASA consultant reveals startling proof that the global warming faction is hiding the truth . . . and gets attacked. Click Here.

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        Helgi Armannsson (IP-tala skrįš) 6.6.2015 kl. 01:47

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