16.10.2015 | 21:11
Þegar trúarbrögð snúast upp í andhverfu sína.
Glöggir menn spáðu því fyrir síðustu aldamót að 21. öldin yrði öld aukinnar hörku í samskiptum trúarhópa og trúarbragða og að ákafir fylgjendur þeirra myndu verða meðal þeirra sem standa myndu að mestum ófriði og illindum á öldinni.
Flestum held ég að hafi þótt ólíklegt að þetta færi svona, því að það yrði afturhvarf til þeirra alda mannkynssögunnar þar sem böl trúarbragðastyrjalda varð mest.
Enda auðvelt að benda á meginatriði flestra helstu trúarbragða heims varðandi kærleika, friðsemd, frelsi, fögnuð, farsæld og umburðarlyndi. Í kristninni er Fjallræða Krists gott dæmi um þetta.
En þvi miður er það svo að inni í trúarsetningum flestra trúarbragða má finna einstakar setningar og orð sem stangast á við nútíma hugsun um mannréttindi, frelsi og frið.
Á tímum rannsóknarréttar, galdrabrenna og ofstækis fyrr á tíð, voru kristnir menn komnir ansi langt frá kenningum Krists, en síðan þá hefur þetta snúist til betri vegar.
Hins vegar finnast enn bæði sértrúarsöfnuðir og einstakir áhrifamenn í röðum kristinna sem boða mjög heiftúgar kenningar, sem þeir byggja á ofstopafullum skilningi sínum á einstökum setningum úr Biblíunni.
Í stað þess að háleitt takmark sé fólgið í boðun Krists, "farið og gerið allar þjóðir að lærisveinum", virðast sumir geta lagt þann skilning í þessi orð, að þau feli í sér afdráttarlega skipun um að beita ofbeldi í þessum efnum ef annað dugar ekki.
Trúarsetningin úr Kóraninum um "heilagt stríð", Jíhad, byggist á svipuðum skilningi varðandi það að hvaða tegund ofbeldis og manndrápa sé Allah þóknanlegt, ef því er beitt við útbreiðslu múslimskrar trúar eða í vörn fyrir stöðu hennar.
Og því miður er fylgi við þessa ofbeldisfullu túlkun enn alltof algeng eins og Íslamska ríkið í Miðausturlöndum ber glöggt vitni um.
Yfirgnæfandi meirihluti iðkenda og játenda trúarbragða er friðsamt og góðgjarnt fólk, en það er því miður þögull meirihluti.
Þetta er dapurlegt, því að ef vaxandi ófriður og ofbeldi hljótast af ofbeldisfullri túlkun trúarbragða, hafa þau snúist upp í andhverfu sína.
![]() |
Vildi hætta í trúarsöfnuðinum |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Word of Life Christian Church. Einmitt. Barðir til óbóta fyrir að vilja yfirgefa þessa kristnu "kirkju lífsins". Ekki mikill kristilegur kærleikur þar. Þessir 40 safnaðarmeðlimir hljóta að vera algjörar skepnur.
Þetta minnir á A-Þýzkaland sem var kölluð paradís verkamanna. En ef þeir reyndu að flýja paradísina þá voru þeir skotnir til bana.
Eða á múslímana sem eru teknir af lífi fyrir að vilja skipta um trú.
Bókstafstrúarbrögð og fasismi eru tvær hliðar af sama skildingnum.
Pétur D. (IP-tala skráð) 16.10.2015 kl. 21:59
Kannski leiðinlegt að þurfa að trufla þetta samkvæmi ykkar, en fjarri fer því, að hægt sé að taka undir með ykkar samlyndi eða allt hjá Ómari.
Kristin bókstafstrú er eins fjarri fasisma og verða má. Dæmigerð ekkja af gamla skólanum, sem trúði á sinn Jesúm Maríuson bókstaflega og vildi í einlægni tileinka sér án efasemda boðskap hans, var einmitt sú, sem mótast af anda hans og kærleika. Víðs fjarri er það fasisma Mussolinis og annarra ofbeldissinaðra efnishyggjumanna.
Það er ekki sama, hverju menn trúa með bókstafstrú, enda fer það eftir bókstafnum. Og sannarlega er hann allt annar í Biblíunni en Kóraninum um fjölmörg atriði sem snerta siðferðisreglur, fyrir utan gerólíka trúarkenningu um hjálpræðið, um stöðu Krists, um krossinn, um eðli Guðs og margt fleira.
Mótun fólks á Íslandi um aldir af kristinni kenningu þekkjum við. Gleypum ekki við fljótfærnislegum ofurbjartsýnis-yfirlýsingum Ómars um efnið. Sannarlega hefur jihad-kenning Múhameðs haft allt önnur áhrif en friðarboðskapur Krists.
Það er ekki minnsta forsenda eða átylla til þess í orðum Krists, "farið og gerið allar þjóðir að lærisveinum", til að leggja þann skilning í þau orð, "að þau feli í sér afdráttarl[aus]a skipun um að beita ofbeldi í þessum efnum ef annað dugar ekki," eins og Ómar vogar sér þó að gefa hér í skyn.
Það er engin hliðstæða með kristni og islam að þessu leyti. Þú hefur eitthvað allt annað í huga, Ómar, en að þræða bara götu sannleiks-rannsóknar með því að skrifa svona. Í hug þér virðist einhver eirenismi (friðsemis-viðleitni, gagnvart öðrum trúarbrögðum), sem á hér einfaldlega ekki við. og að stuðla að umburðarlyndi gagnvart múslimum. Þetta síðastnefnda er skiljanlegt, en þú gengur of langt, þegar meðalið, sem gripið er til, er að jafna saman í reynd kristni og islam.
Og þú ert ekki einu sinni byrjaður að reyna að skilgreina jihad!
Jón Valur Jensson, 16.10.2015 kl. 22:36
Andsetnir andhverfingar.
Þorsteinn Briem, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:08
Já, þegar trúarbrögð snúast í andhverfu sína.
Hvenær hefur það gerst með Íslam?
Íslam er stofnað, með yfirtöku að markmiði. Yfirtöku með ofbeldi, ef ekki vill betur.
Íslam hefur ekkert breyst í 1300 ár.
Ef yfirgnæfandi meirihluti múslima væri friðsamur, þá væri friður.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 16.10.2015 kl. 23:09
Sammála þér, Hilmar.
Jón Valur Jensson, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:20
Þorsteinn Briem, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:22
Í ofangreindum löndum hefur nýlega, eða eru í gangi átök sem eiga rót sína að rekja í íslam. Þetta er náttúrulega ekki tæmandi listi, auk þess sem einstök hryðjuverk víðsvegar um heim eru ekki talin með.
Ofangreind upptalning eru ígildi eins morðs í 40 manna söfnuði í Bandaríkjunum, að mati blogghöfundar.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 16.10.2015 kl. 23:44
"In the English-speaking world, Bosniaks are also frequently referred to as Bosnian Muslims."
"The Srebrenica massacre, also known as the Srebrenica genocide, was the July 1995 killing of more than 8,000 Bosniaks, mainly men and boys, in and around the town of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War."
"The Secretary-General of the United Nations described the mass murder as the worst crime on European soil since the Second World War.
A paramilitary unit from Serbia known as the Scorpions, officially part of the Serbian Interior Ministry until 1991, participated in the massacre, along with several hundred Russian volunteers."
Þorsteinn Briem, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:46
Ef þú kynntir þér margra alda grimmilegar útrýmingarherferðir múslima á hendur Indverjum, Ómar, þá dytti þér naumast í hug að skrifa svona billega vitleysu.
Sjálf helför Gyðinga, Holocaust, af hendi nazistaúrþvættanna bliknar í samanburði við öll þau markvissu fjöldadráp múslima á hindúum, pyntingar þeirra og fjöldanauðganir, allt fram á 18. öld.
Jón Valur Jensson, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:46
Bandaríkjaher í Víetnam:

"Air force captain, Brian Wilson, who carried out bomb-damage assessments in free-fire zones throughout the delta, saw the results firsthand.
"It was the epitome of immorality...One of the times I counted bodies after an air strike—which always ended with two napalm bombs which would just fry everything that was left - I counted sixty-two bodies.
In my report I described them as so many women between fifteen and twenty-five and so many children - usually in the arms of their mothers or very close to them—and so many old people."
When he later read the official tally of dead, he found that it listed them as 130 VC killed."
Turse, Nick (2013). Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam. New York: Metropolitan Books.
Þorsteinn Briem, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:49
Eins og sannur kommi, þá telur Steini Breim að suður Víetnamar hafi ekki átt rétt til sjálfstæðs ríkis og frelsis frá kommúnískum morðhundum norður Víetnam.
En burtséð frá Víetnam stríði, þá erum við kominn á þann reit, að kommadruslurnar leggja eitt morð í 40 manna söfnuði í Bandaríkjunum að jöfnu við miljónir á miljónir ofan sem drepnar eru í nafni íslam.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 16.10.2015 kl. 23:57
Bandaríkjaher í Írak:
"12. mars 2006 hélt Green að heimili al-Janabi fjölskyldunnar ásamt fleiri hermönnum.
Þar nauðguðu tveir hermenn [14 ára] stúlkunni, Abeer, á meðan Green skaut fjölskyldu hennar til dauða.
Green nauðgaði síðan stúlkunni og skaut hana síðan í höfuðið.
Hermennirnir kveiktu síðan í líki stúlkunnar."
Þorsteinn Briem, 16.10.2015 kl. 23:58
Steini minn, íslamskir vinir þínir eru að nauðga og drepa konur og fjölskyldur þeirra meðan við skrifum þessi orð.
Mikið væri nú gaman, ef þú hefðir svolítið af kristilegu innræti, og vottaðir þessum fórnarlömbum samúð þína.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 00:02
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:04
Meira að segja íslamskir "friðsamir hælisleitendur" nauðga konum og misnota börn í flóttamannskýlum í Evrópu.
Ef þeir friðsömu gera þetta, hvernig er þá ástandið á yfirráðasvæðum vina Steina.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 00:11
Torture continues at US prisons in Afghanistan
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:15
Í grunninn eru kristni og islam alveg eins. Eða kannski mætti segja, að islam virkar soldið eins og varíasjón af kristni, grein af kristnum meiði, ef svo mætti segja.
Varðandi útbreiðslu islam á sínum tíma í byrjun, útbreiðslu sem var á köflum hröð, að þá er núna almennt viðurkennt sagnfræðilega, að útþenslan var mestanpart með friðsamlegum ætti. Ekki með hervaldi.
Ástæðan var einföld. Á sínum tíma bauð islam uppá eitthvað betra en fyrir var. Fólk vildi það frekar en það sem fyrir var.
Þessvegna þegar öfgaöfl eins og ISIS eru að vísa í kalífadæmið og fornt stórríki islam þar á svæðinu, að þá er framferði ISIS allt annað en framferði aðila fyrr á tímum og sem dæmi Ottomanveldisins sem var í raun frjálslynt ríki.
Þetta ISIS dæmi hljómar sem að eigi rót í einhverju alveg desperat hugarheimi og erfitt er að festa fngur á, afhverju þessi samtök hafa náð slíkur árangri. Sumir hafa bent á áróðurinn. Þeir beita mikið áróðri. Þeir bjóða lausn, fullkomið islam og heim ar sem allir hafa nóg o.s.frv. Þeir virðast í raun vera að selja útópíu.
Það er samt miklu fleira sem kemur þarna inní en að vísu, að vísu, er margt óljóst við þessi samtök og hvað raunverulega er að gerast þarna í Sýrlandi og þar um kring.
Ómar Bjarki Kristjánsson, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:17
Alan Greenspan fyrrum seðlabankastjóri Bandaríkjanna - Íraksstríðið snýst aðallega um olíu
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:18
"Continues"? Eru Bandaríkin enn með fangelsi í Afganistan? Það er ekki árið 2009, Steini, og reyndar fjallar þessi vefsíða um allt annað!
En hér tók ég á öfgafullyrðingum í leiðara DV um þessi mál í Abu Ghraib-fangelsinu: ‘Ástandið í Abu Ghraib verra en hjá Saddam?‘ Jón Valur Jensson andmælir leiðara Jónasar Kristjánssonar, DV 24. júní 2004. Með því var ég vitaskuld ekki að verja neinar pyntingar, en benti á villurnar hjá J.Kr.
Og gleymdu því ekki, að það eru múslimar sem drepa flesta múslima í Mið-Austurlöndum, sbr. umræðu hér: http://jvj.blog.is/blog/jvj/entry/2058695/
Jón Valur Jensson, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:26
"Seinni heimsstyrjöldin hófst í Evrópu en breiddist út til annarra heimsálfa og stóð í tæp sex ár."
"Seinni heimsstyrjöldinni lauk formlega 1. september 1945 um borð í orrustuskipinu Missouri. Þá lágu 50 milljónir manna í valnum.
Einn er sá þáttur styrjaldarinnar sem enn er ógetið en það er helförin gegn gyðingum, sígaunum, slövum, samkynhneigðum, geðsjúkum og ýmsum öðrum þjóðfélagshópum.
Helförin er einn grimmilegasti þáttur styrjaldarinnar, þar sem fólk var kerfisbundið myrt í gasklefum fyrir það eitt að tilheyra ákveðnum hópi manna.
Þegar allt er talið saman er áætlað að um sex milljónir gyðinga hafi látið lífið í helförinni, einhverri mestu mannfyrirlitningu sem mannkynssagan hefur að geyma."
Seinni heimsstyrjöldin - Vísindavefurinn
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:27
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:29
Það er nú ánægjulegt Steini minn, að þú skulir vera búinn að læra eitthvað um seinni heimstyrjöldina. Ekki seinna vænna.
En vissir þú, að múftinn í Jerúsalem, já, múslimi, var besti vinur Hitlers?
Og að múslimar eru afar hrifnir af nasisma.
Jamm, Hitler óskaði þess að hafa fæðst inn í íslam "die Männerreligion"
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 00:39
Nazisminn, sem engum manni með viti og siðferðiskend dettur í hug að verja, kemur þessum málum og umræðuefninu ekkert við.
Vertu ekki með svona afglapa-innlegg hér, Steini.
Þú reynir alltaf að kæfa alla efnislega umræðu með nær endalausum raðinleggjum sem eiga það gjarnan sammerkt að fara langt út fyrir efnið.
Róaðu þig nú niður og lestu greinina sem ég vísaði þér á, og komdu svo með niðurstöðu þína af þeim lestri. Hún er hér: ‘Ástandið í Abu Ghraib verra en hjá Saddam?‘ Jón Valur Jensson andmælir leiðara Jónasar Kristjánssonar, DV 24. júní 2004.
Jón Valur Jensson, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:39
Norski fjöldamorðinginn Anders Breivik heilsaði réttinum með fasistakveðju

Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:40
Hvernig líður þér innra með þér, Steini minn, nú þegar þú hefur komist að því, að Hitler er jafn hrifinn af "die Männerreligion" og þú?
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 00:44
Bjarni Ben bjargaði íslenska böðlinum frá refsingu
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:45
Við hin vitum náttúrulega, að Hitler, hugmyndafræðilegur vinur Steina og íslamista, ofsótti kirkjuna. Alveg eins og gert er á yfirráðsvæðum íslam í dag.
Spurningin er bara sú, hvort Steini gleðjist yfir morðum og nauðgunum á Jasídum?
Hann er allavega ekki að æsa sig mikið yfir því.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 00:54
"Björn Sv. Björnsson var einn þeirra Íslendinga sem gengu í lið með nasistum í stríðinu."
"Yfirmaður í SS skrifaði meðmælabréf um Björn og lýsti honum sem manni með "óaðfinnanlegan persónuleika og traustar hugsjónir" og hann hafi "reynst vel í bardaga sem hermaður við innrásina í Sovétríkin".
Þetta var saga sem ekki mátti segja. Sonur forseta Íslands var nasisti og meðlimur SS.
Hann hét Björn Sv. Björnsson og var sonur Sveins Björnssonar, fyrsta forseta íslenska lýðveldisins."
Björn Sv. Björnsson, hinn "óaðfinnanlegi" íslenski nasisti
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:55
"Þegar Þjóðverjar gáfust upp árið 1945 var Björn [Sv. Björnsson] tekinn til fanga og var í varðhaldi í Danmörku til 1946.
Þá var hann leystur úr haldi án þess að vera leiddur fyrir rétt, sennilega vegna þrýstings frá Íslandi (þótt ráðamenn neituðu að svo hefði verið) en mál hans var óþægilegt fyrir bæði Íslendinga og Dani, þar sem faðir hans var þá orðinn forseti Íslands."
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:57
Annars er það magnað, að einhver skuli geta réttlætt íslamskan fasisma dagsins í dag, með því að vitna í nasisma Þýskalands.
Sérstaklega þegar þokkalega gefið fólk veit að þessar tvær stefnur eru ein og hin sama.
Hversu klikkaður þarf maður að vera?
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 00:59
Hefurðu lesið ævisögu Björns Sv. Björnss., Steini?
Jón Valur Jensson, 17.10.2015 kl. 00:59
Og hvað kemur hún múslimum við?
Jón Valur Jensson, 17.10.2015 kl. 01:00
Ertu ekki bara víðátturuglaður, greyið mitt?
Jón Valur Jensson, 17.10.2015 kl. 01:00
Three young Muslims gunned down in North Carolina family home
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 01:02
Sá rafvirki sem tengdi vírana í kollinum á Steina, á að missa leyfið.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 01:06
"Krossferðirnar voru herfarir kaþólskra Evrópumanna á hendur þeim sem þeir töldu heiðingja á seinni hluta miðalda.
Aðallega voru það múslímar sem urðu fyrir barðinu á krossförunum en einnig heiðnir Slavar, gyðingar, rússneskir og grískir rétttrúnaðarsinnar, Mongólar, Katarar, Hússítar, Valdensar, Prússar og pólitískir andstæðingar páfans.
Krossfarar sóru eið og fengu syndaaflausn fyrir vikið."
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 01:06
Um miðja áttundu öld sparkaði kristinn maður í 10 ára íslamska stúlku, svo á sá.
Íslam er enn að hefna.........
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 01:12
"Úti í Evrópu hafði kaþólska kirkjan í margar aldir barist við svokallaða villutrúarmenn en það var fólk sem ekki þótti hafa rétta trú.
Því var jafnvel haldið fram að það þjónaði djöflinum og kirkjan dæmdi þetta fólk til dauða og brenndi það á báli.
Þetta var á 12. og 13. öld. En þegar kom fram á 15. öld höfðu þessar villutrúarofsóknir breyst í ofsóknir gegn galdrafólki og settur var upp sérstakur rannsóknardómur sem hafði það hlutverk að rannsaka og dæma fólk sem talið var göldrótt.
Rannsóknardómstóllinn yfirheyrði fólk með pyntingum og þannig fengust fram ótrúlegustu játningar."
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 01:15
Árið 1887 seldi kristinn maður múslima myglaða beyglu í Jerúsalem.
Mótmælin sem fylgdu í kjölfarið urðu að fyrstu intifötunni.....
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 01:18
Sem sagt, kristnir menn ekkert betri en aðrir menn, hvorki fyrr né síðar.
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.10.2015 kl. 01:19
20 manna hópur sýrlenskra flóttamanna sem kom til Þýskalands í síðustu viku, hefur stefnt þýska ríkinu vegna þess að þeir eru ekki enn komnir á bætur.
Mögnuð þessi skipulagða aðför kristinna að saklausum múslimum alltaf hreint.....
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 01:21
74 ára gamall Breti var dæmdur fyrir að brugga í Saudí Arabíu, og var dæmdur til 350 vandarhögga.
Alveg dæmigert, einhver kristinn kúkur að vega að grunni íslam.....
Sem betur fer hefur hann nú þegar dvalið í ár við íslamskt yfirlæti í fangelsi.
Allah má vita hvað hann hefði getað gert af sér sem frjáls maður.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 01:25
Ég vil alveg sérstaklega nefna það við Ómar Ragarsson, að ekki dugar honum að hafa athyglistruflarann Steina Briem til varnar málflutningi sínum hér, enda engin vörn í engum vörnum!
Jón Valur Jensson, 17.10.2015 kl. 13:49
Ómar. Væri nú ekki gustukaverk að loka á Steina. Þetta virðist nú ekki beint miða að því að halda honum í því jafnvægi sem hann þarf á að halada.
ocram (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 13:52
Íslam hefur að undanförnu verið að brýna kjarna sinn, morð, rán og kúgun. Alls ekki að snúast upp í andhverfu sína.
ocram (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 13:58
Andhverfa trúarbragða = trúleysi. Hljómar ekki það illa.
En þvi miður er það svo að inni í trúarsetningum flestra trúarbragða má finna einstakar setningar og orð sem stangast á við nútíma hugsun um mannréttindi, frelsi og frið.
Man í svipinn ekki eftir mörgum trúarbrögðum sem eru nýtilkomin. Flest eru síðan áður en amma fæddist. Og þegar hún var ung voru mannréttindi ekki eitthvað *thing.*
Trúarsetningin úr Kóraninum um "heilagt stríð", Jíhad, byggist á svipuðum skilningi varðandi það að hvaða tegund ofbeldis og manndrápa sé Allah þóknanlegt, ef því er beitt við útbreiðslu múslimskrar trúar eða í vörn fyrir stöðu hennar.
Jihad er aukaatriði. Nei, í alvöru. Hefurðu lesið Kóraninn? Ef ekki, tékkaðu þá á honum. Algert lágmark er að lesa fyrstu 3 kaflana.
Og því miður er fylgi við þessa ofbeldisfullu túlkun enn alltof algeng eins og Íslamska ríkið í Miðausturlöndum ber glöggt vitni um.
"Bókstafstrú." Þeir eru, samkvæmt bókinni, strangt til tekið ekki að gera neitt rangt.
Yfirgnæfandi meirihluti iðkenda og játenda trúarbragða er friðsamt og góðgjarnt fólk, en það er því miður þögull meirihluti.
Leti er í fólki.
Þetta er dapurlegt, því að ef vaxandi ófriður og ofbeldi hljótast af ofbeldisfullri túlkun trúarbragða, hafa þau snúist upp í andhverfu sína.
Ég sé ekki alveg fyrir mér að menn gangi af trúinni einmitt þegar hún er að verða skemmtileg.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 17.10.2015 kl. 14:29
Steini Briem, persónurnar og atvikikin sem þú vitnar í eru nokkrar gufu rugglaðir rugguhestar sem nokkra persónur styðja, á meðan múslimar eru í tugum, ef ekki hundruðum miljóna tali sem styðja útrímingu kristinna og nú tala ég um eftir seinni heims styrjöldina, ásamt nú til dags drápum, kvennfyrirlitningu með hrikalegum afleiðingum, t.d. afskurið undir líf og drepnar í heiðursskyni! Í guðanabænum taktu ekki vangefinn Norðmann sem Anders Breivik ínn í þetta tal! Þótt að fjölmiðlar og vissir pólutíkusar kalli hann hryðjuverka mann þá er hann það ekki! Hann er sálsjúkur rugguhestur sem á að lokast inni í ca.100 ár, án þess að aukatekið orð frá honum sé birt! Réttarhöldin áttu að vera í kyrrþey án fjölmiðla umfjöllunar! Nýr hitler skapast þegar við verðum blind fyrir því sem er að gerast í heiminnum og þöggum það svo niður og ef þú lætur í ljós skoðun þína ert þú kallaðpur öllum ónöfnum sem hægt er að finna, þjóðernis rembusvín, rasisti og allt það sem fólk er kallað þegar það lætur í ljós skoðanir sínar!
Ingolfur Torfason (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 21:41
Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia - Rense.com
Jewish Killers Massacre 66 Million in Soviet Gulag
Evidence that Bolshevik Jews killed 50 million Christians ...
THE REAL HOLOCAUST in WWII 66 000 000 million Christian ...
The murder of 66 million Christians by Jews?
Jewish Bolsheviks Murder 66 Million in Russia
Sixty-Six Million Christians Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks ...
The GENOCIDE of 65 million Russians - YouTube
Did Zionist Jews kill 66 Million Christians in the early 1900's ...
Bolshevists, jews, 66 Million Dead Christians in Russia, &
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 22:21
Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Black Holocaust
AFRICAN HOLOCAUST (Maafa) | Greatest Holocaust in ...
Slavery and the Jews - The Atlantic
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume I
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume II
Auction Sales Jews Selling Blacks Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews
Who Brought the Slaves to America?
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 22:42
Mér finnst líka mikilvægt að hafa í huga hvernig Jesús lifði og hvernig Múhameð lifði; það varpar smá ljósi á hvernig fylgjendur Íslams skilja þetta allt saman. Það eru slæm epli alls staðar, það sem skiptir máli er, er trúin að ýta undir góða hegðun eða vonda hegðun og mér finnst nokkuð augljóst að Íslam ýtir undir slæma hegðun enda gaf Múhammeð þannig fordæmi.
Mofi, 17.10.2015 kl. 23:22
Jewish Ritual Murder
Jewish Ritual -Murder a Historical Investigation
The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice
The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited
jewish ritual murders on Vimeo
Ritual murders of children in Chicago
A deputy chief of the CIA supplied victims for 86 Jewish ritual murders
The number of missing persons as high as 1.8 million per year
Jewish leaders raise the cups with blood and drink from them
Jewish Occult Murders
Notes About The Ritual murders by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 17.10.2015 kl. 23:28
Ef einver slær hér Steina Briem við, er það hann Steini frændi minn Sch.-Th., sennilega fastur áskrifandi samsæriskenninga úr öllum heimsálfum.
Jón Valur Jensson, 18.10.2015 kl. 01:02
Behind Communism Updated, Revised and Expand 1917 -2010 Frank L. Britton,
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American
Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists ANTONY C. SUTTON
Waters Flowing Eastward The War Against the Kingship of Christ
Það er rétt hjá þér Jón Valur að öll þessi samsæri kannast menn við, svo og þessa líka ógeðslegu svokölluðu Talmud-isku- Gyðinga er ofsóttu og drápu kristið fólk. Menn eins og Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda og Naftaly Frenkeler er stjórnuðu "morðvélinni" er Aleksandr Solzheitsyn talar um að hafi drepið 66 milljónir milli árana frá 1918 til 1959 í bókinni The Gulag Archipelago I og II.
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 03:18
"The brave Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian writer who has been called the "Conscience of the 20th Century," served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system. Today, he is hated by top-level Jews in America and around the world because he exposed the Jewish leadership of the genocide of 66 million Communist Gulag victims. Many victims were Christians." http://www.texemarrs.com/062004/soviet_gulag.htm
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 03:49
"Krossferðirnar voru herfarir kaþólskra Evrópumanna á hendur þeim sem þeir töldu heiðingja á seinni hluta miðalda.
Hérna er stutt myndband sem fer yfir þessi stríð, þ.e.a.s. í hvaða samhengi krossferðirnar áttu sér stað: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIeG_0WfaJw
Mofi, 18.10.2015 kl. 10:20
Sæll Mofi
Í dag þá eru það stuðningsmenn Ísraels og Kristnir- Zíonistar sem að styðja fleiri stríð fyrir m.a. Stærra Zionista Rasista Ísrael. Sjá hérna
Christian Zionism https://vimeo.com/59933668
'Marching to Zion' Full - Christian Zionism and 1948
En þar sem þú ert stuðningsmaður fyrir Ísrael þá gætir þú kannski fengið þetta litla, litla, nice, nice Kristna- Zionista- lið þarna á Ómega sjónvarpsstöðinni til sýna þessi myndbönd.
Sjá einnig hérna: HELLSTORM: JEWISH GENOCIDE OF THE CAUCASIAN RACE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt-vKyjECY0
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 13:42
Þorsteinn er geðveikasti einstaklingur sem ég veit um á þessari jörð; núna á að reyna að selja manni að gyðingar gerðu helför gegn mannkyninu. Mér fallast hendur, ég veit ekkert hvað er hægt að segja við þessari geðveiki.
Mofi, 18.10.2015 kl. 14:25
Mofi "..að gyðingar gerðu helför gegn mannkyninu.."
Mofi hættu þessu bulli og fáðu þér bókina "The Plot Against Christianity" eftir hana Elizabeth Dilling og/eða hérna bókina "Jewish-Run Concentraion Camps in Sovet Union" eftir dr. Hermann Greife.
Hvernig var þessi bylting fjármögnuðu, Mofi? Nú og hverjir stóðu fyrir að myrða allt þetta fólk? Fylgjendur Talmud -ritanna héldu alla sína trúarlegu Talmud-isku hátíðisdaga, en þetta fólk bannaði kristnu mönnum halda sína hátíðisdaga, auk þess sem það bannaði kristna trú algjörlega, Mofi?
Það voru þessir Talmud fylgjendur sem að stútuðu öllum kirkjum og/eða eyðilögðu þær, en ekki eina einustu Synagogu. Það voru þessir Talmud fylgjendur er stjórnuðu öllu fangabúðunum og aftökum á kristnum mönnum í fyrrum Sovét. Þú getur lesið um það í bókinni "The Plot Against Christianity" eftir hana Elizabeth Dilling, svo og í bókinni "Jewish-Run Concentraion Camps in Sovet Union" eftir hann dr. Hermann Greife, því að eins og nafnið segir , þá var það þetta Talmudiska- lið sem stjórnaði öllum þessum fangabúðum og aftökum. "..the Red Russian Revolution was the greatest feast of the sons and daughters of Israel.." (NY Times 3/24/1917).
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 15:46
My relatives and my fellow Christians were murdered in the USSR under Jewish Marxism between 1917-1945, and many of the Marxists came to Russia from New York to do this to Christians in 1917 after Jacob Schiff, the Jewish anti-Christian maniac banker who owned The Guaranty National Trust, the largest bank in the United States, financed Lenin and Trotsky $35 million for the Red Revolution and the mass killing of these Christian souls. We must never forget this.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 16:42
Þetta er sannleikurinn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY3QpWvYzLw
Að kenna gyðingum um það sem var gert í Sovíetríkjunum, það blanda af geðveiki og miklu magni af heimsku. Sem betur fer virðist vera aðeins einn einstaklingur á Íslandi sem er svo sjúkur.
Mofi, 18.10.2015 kl. 17:05
Mofi ha, ha
Áróðurlygamyndbandi, og það skv. bréfi Zíonista Rasistans Meir Kahane er kallar Araba krabbamein og hunda, sjá 60 Minutes Rabbi MEIR KAHANE - English Subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzDShJkZ_yw
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 18:35
Segðu mér, Þorsteinn, ertu með formlega greiningu á þessari geðveiki þinni, eða ertu gangandi dæmi um ónýtt geðheilbrigðiskerfi?
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 19:41
Er ekki með einhverja geðveiki, þú? En er ekki málið bara að svara öllu svona sem GYÐINGAHATUR og/eða öskra geðveiki aftur og aftur?
"The Gulags of the Jewish Revolutionaries
With staggering implications, Together For Two Hundred Years showed how Lenin, Trotsky and other Jewish conspirators had overthrown the Romanov dynasty in 1917 and set up their own Bolshevik totalitarian system. The result: The nightly assassination and roundup of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, most of whom were herded by black-hearted Big Brother secret police into thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps.
The largest number of victims, Solzhenitsyn reports, were Christian believers, understandable since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and His Chosen People, the Christians. All-in-all, about 66 million innocent people were kidnapped and eventually died a hideous death at the hands of the Jewish "Ivan the Terrible" corps
"I love strong opponents! It's such fun to break their backs! said the Leningrad interrogator Shitov. And if your opponent (e.g. your prisoner) is so strong that he refuses to give in, all your methods have failed and you are in a rage? Then, don't control your fury! It's tremendously satisfying, that outburst! Let your anger have its way; don't set any bounds to it. Don't hold yourself back! That's when interrogators spit in the open mouth of the accused! And shove his face into a full toilet! That's the state of mind in which they drag Christian believers around by their hair. Or urinate in a kneeling prisoner's face! After such a storm of fury you feel yourself a real honest-to-God man!"
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Gulag Archipelag
Bolshevists, jews, 66 Million Dead Christians in Russia, & Al Gore http://www.fathersmanifesto.net/bolshevists.htm
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 20:00
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 20:09
Já, það er rétt hjá þér, menn kalla gyðingahatur gyðingahatur.
Og geðveiki er geðveiki.
Það er mjög erfitt að finna einhver orð til að skauta framhjá staðreyndum, til að geðveika gyðingahataranum líði betur.
Þú læknast ekki með einhverri meðvirkni frá okkur hinum.
Þetta er ekkert samsæri, við finnum raunverulega til með þér.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 20:27
Ég sagði hérna í athugasemd fyrir ofan, að ég væri ekki með einhverja geðveiki, þú?
Það er greinilegt að þú tekur ekki eftir því sem verið er að segja hérna, eða hvað þá reynir að svara einhverju athugasemdum málefnalega varðandi þessi fjöldamorð:
Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia - Rense.com
Jewish Killers Massacre 66 Million in Soviet Gulag
Evidence that Bolshevik Jews killed 50 million Christians ...
THE REAL HOLOCAUST in WWII 66 000 000 million Christian ...
The murder of 66 million Christians by Jews?
Jewish Bolsheviks Murder 66 Million in Russia
Sixty-Six Million Christians Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks ...
The GENOCIDE of 65 million Russians - YouTube
Did Zionist Jews kill 66 Million Christians in the early 1900's ...
Bolshevists, jews, 66 Million Dead Christians in Russia, &
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 20:51
Hmmm.... ef einhver vitleysingur á netinu henti inn linkum á klikkaðar síður þar sem "sannað" væri að jörðin sé flöt, myndi ég heldur ekki verða við óskum um "málefnalega" umræðu.
Það er nú bara þannig, að þegar menn eru bilaðir, eins og þú, þá er tilgangslaust að reyna að koma vitinu fyrir þá. Lyfjagjöf er sennilega eina færa leiðin.
Sjáðu til klikkhaus, þegar menn koma með linka á síður eins og Stormfront, þá eru þeim allar bjargir bannaðar. Nema lyfjagjöfin, náttúrulega.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 21:42
Það er rétt þú hefur aldrei verið málefnalegur, þú ert alltaf með þessar persónuárásir aftur og aftur, eða eins og þeir segja á ensku:
"attack the messenger not the massage"
Ég vissi ekki að ég mundi rekast á svona Zíonista Helfaraafneitara (e. Holocaust denier) eins og þig. En hjá þér þá er það alltaf allt fyrir Zíonisma og Zíonista Ísrael osfrv. og sama hvað. Stormfront eða ekki Stormfront, fáðu þér bókina "The Gulag Archipelago I og II" eftir Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 22:31
Sixty-Six Million Christians Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks
The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of their Churches, by Lasha Darkmoon
STALIN’S JEWS (See here)
The other day I received a polite email from one of my many critics. He was less than satisfied with a controversial statement I had made in one of my articles. He had detected what appeared to be a serious discrepancy in what I had written about the Bolshevik Jews who had engineered the Russian Revolution (1917) and had managed to kill, in the process, some 66 million Russian Christians.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 23:11
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 23:16
"The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 has led to the genocide of about 100 million Christian Russians. Many don’t know that the Bolshevik Revolution was in fact a Jewish revolution. The National Geography Magazine’s May 1907 edition stated that “Revolutionary leaders nearly all belong to the Jewish race and the most effective revolutionary agency is the Jewish Bund …”
Nobel prizewinner Russian historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn blamed the Jews for the Russian revolution and genocide in his two books “The Gulag Archipelago” and “Two Hundred Years Together”.
Winston Churchill called the Bolshevik Revolution a Jewish movement in his article “Bolshevism versus Zionism” in the “Illustrated Sunday Herald” on February 8th, 1920. He described communism as a “sinister confederacy on International Jews, who have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
In his book “Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs” (The Last Days of the Romanovs) Robert Wilton; the renowned foreign correspondent for “The Times of London”, reported that out of the 384 Russian commissars there were 300 Jews, 264 of them came from the US since the downfall of the Imperial Government, and he listed the names of all the Jewish leaders of the revolution.
Reports by Captain Schuyler, an American army intelligence officer in Russia during the Russian Revolution, are kept in the US National Archives in Washington. In his March 1919 report he stated that “… the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type.”
“The American Hebrew Magazine” in New York stated in its September 10th, 1920 edition that “The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become reality for the whole world.”
Encyclopedia Judaica boosts that the Bolshevik Revolution was so Jewish that Jewish leaders were instructed to change their names in order to hide the Jewish domination. The founder of the Red Army Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) and Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxim Litvinov are listed as Jews in “Who’s Who in World Jewry”. Karl Marx is listed in the “Inside Judaica” as a Jew from a long line of Talmudic scholars and had learned communism from Zionist Moses Hess. Lenin (real name Vladimir Ulyanov) was partly Jewish, married to a Jew, and defended Jewish superiority.
According to Rabbi Marvin Andelman’s book “To Eliminate the Opiate” Jacob Shiff, the Jewish American capitalist from banking firm Kuhn and Leob, had financed the Jewish communist revolutionaries with $24 millions, and received as an investment return 100 million Russian Rubles.
In December 1917 Lenin established an intelligence body known as Cheka (later was known as GPU, NKVD and then KGB) allegedly to combat counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs. Cheka was headed by Jew Genrikh Yagoda (Yahuda), who was responsible for the death of about 66 million Russians; politicians, educators, industrialists, Christian priests and others; victims of forced collectivization policy, hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions and mass deaths in the Gulag concentration prison camps. He had expropriated the properties of rich middle class and large Church properties. Churches and Mosques were his target of demolition while Jewish synagogues and properties were kept intact. Yagoda (Yahuda) was responsible for the execution of millions of Russians and the imprisonment of other millions in the Gulag prisons, where he and other Jewish commanders; such as Lazar Kogan, Yakov Rappaport, Naftaly Frenkel, Aaron Solts and Matvei Berman, administered 11 out of 12 Gulag death concentration prisons between the years of 1930 – 1938. Yagoda (Yahuda) is considered the greatest Jewish genocidal murderer of the 20th century, yet very few people are aware of this fact while Hitler’s alleged and still contested Holocaust with less than 0.1% victims in comparison is very well known around the globe.
Lazar Kaganovich was another Jewish genocidal murderer in Russia. With his sister (Rosa) as married to Stalin and his son (Mihail) married to Stalin’s only daughter (Svetlana) Lazar Kaganovich was assured highest political positions after Stalin himself. He implemented Stalin’s industrialization and collectivization policies in the most cruel ways that he was responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people including the 1932/33 Ukrainian Holodomor (hunger Holocaust) where 8 million Ukrainians died of starvation. He personally oversaw the grain confiscation in Ukraine causing the Holodomor. The Soviet Archives in Moscow state that “Famine in Ukraine was brought on to decrease the numbers of Ukrainians, replace the dead with people from other parts of the USSR, and thereby to kill the slightest thought of any Ukrainian independence.”
Kaganovich had personally signed the execution orders for at least 36,000 people. His policies had also inflicted enormous suffering on other Russian regions such as Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, the Lower Volga region, northern Caucasus, Siberia, and Kulaks. In 1957 Nikita Khrushchev accused him of having murdered 20 million Russians, which he did not deny but answered that Khrushchev himself has as much blood on his hands.
For further in depth research refer to “Behind Communism” by Frank Britton, “Stalin’s willing Executioners” by Yuri Slezkine, “The Rulers of Russia” by Rev. Denis Fahey, and “The Secret Behind Communism” by David Duke.
While the Jews had burdened the Western World with the guilt for their alleged 6 million Holocaust and, still up to date, demand millions of Dollars in reparations, they themselves have not acknowledge their own direct guilt in the Armenian, the Russian and the many other mass genocides they perpetrated against many nations throughout history. The Jews give themselves the right to accuse others of genocides but do not allow the others to utter a word about Jewish genocidal crimes or even to investigate the validity of their Holocaust. They use this latest Holocaust story of 6 million Jews (there had been several stories of 6 million Jewish Holocaust in the past) to manipulate and to dictate the foreign policies of European countries and of the US http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2014/02/12/jewish-greatest-genocidal-criminals-part
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2015 kl. 23:32
Bolschevick Jews Killed 100 Million Mainly White Christians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLQOB4rbdtM
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 00:04
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 08:25
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 08:25
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 08:30
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 08:36
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 08:54
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 09:00
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 09:15
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 09:36
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 11:52
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 11:52
Þegar tveir leggja saman, Steini Briem og Þorsteinn Sch.-Th., þá geta þeir eyðilagt hvaða vefsíðu sem er á metttíma með rugli sínu.
Jón Valur Jensson, 19.10.2015 kl. 13:45
Mér finnst nokkuð augljóst að það á að banna Þorsteinn frá blog.is fyrir endalaust gyðinga hatur. Hann er alveg ótrúlegur, gaman að vita hvort hann væri að ala á þessu hatri ef að það hefðu verið íslenskir einstaklingar sem unnu fyrir Stalín, að það réttlætti að ala á hatri á heillri þjóð.
Mofi, 19.10.2015 kl. 14:05
Jón Valur

Málefnið snýst um "Þegar trúarbrögð snúast upp í andhverfu sína.",og er því umfangsmikið og stórt, en það er greinilegt að menn vilja reyna þagga allt niður í hel, eða allt til þessa eins að geta m.a. lofsungið Zionisma og/eða til þess eins að reyna verja þessa gerendur áfram.
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Mofi hefur reyndar áður neitað að Talmud fylgjendur hafi staði fyrir þessum glæpum og manndrápum er Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn fullyrðir að Talmud fylgjendur hafi staðið fyrir. En það er rétt Mofi athugar aldrei neitt, og öskrar bara gyðingahatur og geðveiki afur og aftur, því að allt hjá honum snýst um að Zíon, Zíonisma, Talmud fylgjendur, Zíonista Ísrael og/eða allt fyrir Zíonista Ísrael.
Mofi hafðu svo vit á því að fjarlægja þessa ljótu Moloch/Repham/Remphan- stjörnu (6 lines, that make 6 points and 6 sides = 666 "As Above, So Below.")er ranglega er nefnd Davíðsstjarna.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 15:30
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 18:32
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:29
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:30
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:33
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:35
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:37
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:38
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:39
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:40
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:41
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:44
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:45
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:46
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 19.10.2015 kl. 23:48
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 00:00
The Prop-Masters
Perpetrators of the holocaust against Christian Russia transform themselves into "survivors" of "the Holocaust"
The portraits above are of the same man but in two different incarnations. On the left we see Martin "Gray" in retirement after a successful career peddling fake antiques to gullible collectors. He is holding his mass market paperback, For Those I Loved, which is filled with his exploits as a saintly "Holocaust Survivor" who was supposedly forced to help clear bodies out of the Treblinka "gas chamber." The earlier portrait on the right is of the youthful Gray as a decorated officer in the Soviet NKVD (the forerunner of the KGB), responsible for the murder of millions of Christians and gentiles in Russia and Eastern Europe. Even Establishment researchers have had to admit that Gray's book is as phony as the antiques he peddled. But Gray's scam is symbolic of countless other Communist ghouls who have managed to land on their feet in the West, disguised as poor, persecuted "Survivors of the Holocaust" and feted as the saints and martyrs of the universe. Meanwhile the holocaust they perpetrated against millions of Christians slips further down the dark environs of Orwell's memory hole.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 09:54
The Prop-Masters
Perpetrators of the holocaust against Christian Russia transform themselves into "survivors" of "the Holocaust" http://www.revisionisthistory.org/communist.html
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 09:58
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 10:25
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 10:32
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 10:38
Hver er eiginlega boðskapur þinn Þorsteinn? Eigum við að hata alla gyðinga? Hata Ísrael sem ríki, líka 20% af þeim sem eru araba múslímar? Hata gyðinga eins:
Eigum við að hata allt þetta fólk? Drepa eitthvað af því? Hver er eiginlega tilgangurinn með því sem þú ert að skrifa?
Mofi, 20.10.2015 kl. 10:47
NEI ekki svara þessu hatri þeirra með hatri, en tilgangur minn með þessu er m.a. að svara þér Mofi með að fylgjendur Talmud-ritana hafi staðið fyrir þessum fjöldamorðum, svo og benda á dæmi þar sem, að "...trúarbrögð snúast upp í andhverfu sína."
En hvernig er hægt að svara þessu hatri þeirra, Mofi:

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 11:26
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 11:29
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 11:39
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 11:40
Þú vonandi fyrirgefur Þorsteinn en eina sem ég sé hjá þér er hatur.
Mofi, 20.10.2015 kl. 12:06
Mofi En hvernig er það styður þú ekki allt fyrir Zíonista Rasista Ísrael, því að ekki mótmælir þú Zíon, Zíonisma, Zíonista Rasista Ísrael og/eða þessu hérna fyrir neðan einu orði ?
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 12:42
Mótmæla hverju? Þínum fullyrðingum að einhverjir menn sem unnu fyrir Stalín voru gyðingar og þess vegna á ég að...hata gyðinga býst ég við? Ekki á ég að mótmæla fortíðinni? Auðvitað eru til einhverjir gyðingar í dag sem hafa slæmar skoðanir en ef ég færi að halda að þeir hafa allir þær skoðanir þá væri ég rasisti sem er hið sama að vera geðveikur og heimskur nema bara blandað við að vera vond manneskja. Ég segi neitt takk við því. Heldur þú að gyðingarnir á þessum lista sem ég setti hérna inn styðji fjöldamorð og hati kristna og allt þetta sem þú ert að segja að gyðingar aðhyllast?
Mofi, 20.10.2015 kl. 12:56
Nei þú mótmælir aldrei neinu gegn Zíon, Zíonisma, Zíonistum, Talmud fylgjendum, Zíonista Rasista Ísrael, heldur ertu alltaf að reyna verja þennan rasisma og þetta hatur og/eða hreinlega stuðla að því að viðhalda þessu hatri áfram. Þú mótmælir aldrei þessum rasisma og/eða hvað þá þessu her- og landnámi Zíonista gegn alþjóðalögum í Palestínu eða einu eða neinu varðandi Zíonista Rasista Ísrael. Þú ert alltaf á móti fólki sem er að fjalla um þennan rasisma og þetta hatur, og því sambandi reynir þú alltaf að svara fólki með persónulegum árásum.

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 13:35
Ég veit ekki betur en þessi mynd sem þú ert að sýna þarna er mjög grófur lyga áróður. Ísrael í dag er ekkert heilagt og margir misjafnir sauðir þar á ferðinni. En það er einmitt málið, misjafnir, þetta er ekki fólk sem ber ábyrgð á öllu því sem þú ert að telja hérna upp sem á að hafa gerst í Sovíetríkjunum sálugu. Hérna er mynd sem sýnir staðreyndirnar um þetta mál.
Mofi, 20.10.2015 kl. 13:52
Mofi Þessi kort eru ekki eins, en þetta frá þér eru bara Zíonista lygar, og þú styður alltaf eitthvað svoleiðis, eins og á http://lovingenergies.net/pt/Disinformation-Tactics/blog.htm,
Svo og reyna alltaf að verja þessa Talmud fylgjendur
Nú fyrir það fyrsta, þá er það ekki rétt sem að stendur þarna, eða "THE TRUTH; IN 1946 was NOT Palestine." heldur getur þú fundið út um allt gömul landakort með nafninu "Palestine", frá eða fyrir árið 1946. https://www.google.is/search?q=the+name+palestine&biw=1423&bih=674&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIh-ufupvRyAIVAm4UCh1FiAmb&dpr=0.9#tbm=isch&q=old+map+palestine&imgrc=vVjIgnCxiMCMqM%3A
Önnur lygin þarna er, að það voru Zíonstar sem að hófu stríðið löngu fyrir stofnun Zíonista Rasista ríkisins Ísraels 1948, eða þar sem að þeir byrjuðu með hryðjuvekum og manndrápum, og gerðu á þeim tíma ekki eina einustu tilraun til þess að semja.
Þriðja lygin þarna er að Zíonistar (eða Ísraelsmenn) hafa aldrei viðurkennt Palestínu eins og aðrar þjóðir. Nú og Palestínumenn búa ekki við sjálfstæði á þessum grænusvæðum, eða hvað þá "Palestinian-ruled", þú?
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 14:44
Nú fyrir það fyrsta, þá er það ekki rétt sem að stendur þarna, eða "THE TRUTH; IN 1946 was NOT Palestine."
Auðvitað heitir landið Palestína. Málið er að þetta land var undir stjórn breta og þar á undan var það undir stjórn Ottomannsveldisins. Málið er að það var ekki og hefur aldrei verið neitt ríki sem heitir Palestína, ekkert þannig tungumál eða sér hópur af fólki sem hafði þannig ríkisborgararétt.
Önnur lygin þarna er, að það voru Zíonstar sem að hófu stríðið löngu fyrir stofnun Zíonista Rasista ríkisins Ísraels 1948, eða þar sem að þeir byrjuðu með hryðjuvekum og manndrápum, og gerðu á þeim tíma ekki eina einustu tilraun til þess að semja.
Ég þori varla að spyrja um heimildir því ég fæ eitthvað jafn klikkað og það sem undan hefur gengið.
Þriðja lygin þarna er að Zíonistar (eða Ísraelsmenn) hafa aldrei viðurkennt Palestínu eins og aðrar þjóðir. Nú og Palestínumenn búa ekki við sjálfstæði á þessum grænusvæðum, eða hvað þá "Palestinian-ruled", þú?
Ráða ekki Palestínumenn yfir Gaza? Málið er nokkuð augljóst hérna að fólk er ekki sammála um hverjar staðreyndirnar séu, þú velur þínar heimildir og ég vel mínar. Ég meiki ekki að hlusta á þig Þorsteinn, ég yrði geðveikur ef ég gerði það.
Mofi, 20.10.2015 kl. 16:48
Við erum að tala um land eða landsvæði (eða "Palestínu") en nafnið var til á korti fyrir árið 1946, svo og undir stjórn Ottomannaveldisins og Breta, eða ætlar þú að reyna neita því að þetta nafn "Palestine" sé til á landakortum fyrir árið 1946?
Heldur þú eins og Zíonistar að nafnið hafi verið eitthvað annað en "Palestine" á þessum kortum (fyrir árið 1946) undir stjórn Ottomannaveldisins og Breta, eða hvað?
Ef þetta kort þarna frá Zionista MSNBC sjónvarpsstöðinni er allt saman lygar og vitlaust, hvar er þá hið rétta kort er sannar það sem þú ert að segir varðandi landsvæði Palestínumanna og svo Zíonista Ísrael, þú?
Því að þú segir hér, að þetta kort sé allt saman lygar frá Zíonista MSNBC - sjónvarpstöðinni, en bendir síðan ekki á neitt eða hvað sé rétt í þessu sambandi.
Palestínumenn ráða ekki yfir öllu á Gaza, eða hvað varðar þá flutninga og viðskipti til og frá Gaza.
Þú getur örugglega fundið margt sjálfur um þessa Talmud hryðjuverkhópa Irgun, Haganah og Stern, svo og um öll þessi hryðjuverk þeirra fyrir stofnun Zíonista Rasista ríkisins Ísraels 1948.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 17:46
November 6, 1944, Cairo. Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, and his driver were assassinated outside the minister’s Cairo residence. Two murderers were involved. One was injured, and both were immediately arrested.
January 10, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court today put on trial Eliahu Bet-Tsours from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim of Haifa, both admitted members of the Jewish terrorist Stern gang.
January 18, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court sentenced the murderers of Lord Moyne to death. Both killers admitted their act and also admitted their membership in the Stern gang which they said ordered the killings as a warning to the British not to interfere with future Jewish immigration to Jerusalem.
March 22, 1945, Cairo. The two convicted Jewish Stern gang terrorists who murdered Lord Moyne and his driver were hanged today in the Cairo prison British authorities announced.
January 12, 1946, Palestine. A train was derailed by Jewish terrorists at Hadera near Haifa by a bomb and robbed of £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials were injured.
January 18, 1946, Haifa. Over 900 Jewish immigrants were captured off Haifa by the British Royal Navy.
January 19, 1946, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists destroyed a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison by explosives. Two persons were killed by police.
January 22, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists launched an attack against the British-controlled Givat Olga Coast Guard Station located between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Ten persons were injured and one was killed. Captured papers indicated that the purpose of this raid was to take revenge on the British for their seizure of the refugee ship on January 18. British military authorities in Jerusalem questioned 3,000 Jews and held 148 in custody.
April 25, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists attacked a British installation near Tel Aviv. This group, which contained a number of young girls, had as its goal the capture of British weapons. British authorities rounded up 1,200 suspects.
June 24, 1946, Palestine. The Irgun radio “Fighting Zion” warns that three kidnapped British officers are held as hostages for two Irgun members, Josef Simkohn and Isaac Ashbel facing execution as well as 31 Irgun members facing trial.
June 27, 1946, Palestine. Thirty Irgun members are sentenced by a British military court to 15 years in prison. One, Benjamin Kaplan was sentenced to life for carrying a firearm.
June 29, 1946, Palestine. British military units and police raided Jewish settlements throughout Palestine searching for the leaders of Haganah, a leading Jewish terrorist agency. The Jewish Agency for Palestine was occupied and four top officials arrested. At the end of June, 1946 2,000 were arrested and four Jews and one British soldier were killed.
July 1, 1946, Palestine. British officials announced the discovery of a large arms dump hidden underground at Meshak Yagur. 2,659 men and 59 women were detained for the three day operation in which 27 settlements were searched. Four were killed and 80 were injured.
July 3, 1946, Palestine. Palestine High Commissioner, Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham commuted to life imprisonment the death sentences of Josef Simkohn and Isaac Ashbel, Irgun members.
July 4, 1946, Tel Aviv. British officers, Captains K. Spencer, C. Warburton and A. Taylor who had been kidnapped by the Irgun on June 18 and held as hostages for the lives of Simkohn and Ashbel, were released in Tel Aviv unharmed. At this time, Irgun issued a declaration of war against the British claiming that they had no alternative but to fight.
July 22, 1946, Jerusalem. The west wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed British Military Headquarters and other governmental offices was destroyed at 12:57 PM by explosives planted in the cellar by members of the Irgun terrorist gang. By the 26 of July the casualties were 76 persons killed, 46 injured and 29 still missing in the rubble. The dead included many British, Arabs and Jews.
July 23, 1946, Jerusalem. The Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist group takes responsibility for the King David bombing but blames the British, calling them “tyrants.”
July 24, 1946, London. The British government released a White Paper that accuses the Haganah, Irgun and Stern gangs of “a planned movement of sabotage and violence” under the direction of the Jewish Agency and asserts that the June 29 arrest of Zionist leaders was the cause of the bombing.
July 28, 1946, Jerusalem. The British Palestine Commander, Lt. General Sir Evelyn Barker, banned fraternization of British troops with Palestine Jews whom he stated “cannot be absolved of responsibility for terroristic acts.” The order states that this will punish “the race ... by striking at their pockets and showing our contempt for them.”
July 29, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv raided a workshop making bombs.
July 30, 1946, Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is placed under a 22-hour-a-day curfew as 20,000 British troops began a house-to-house sweep for terrorists. The city is sealed off from the rest of Jerusalem and troops are ordered to shoot to kill any curfew violators.
July 31, 1946, Tel Aviv. A large cache of weapons, extensive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv’s largest synagogue.
July 31, 1946, Haifa. Two ships have arrived at Haifa with a total of 3,200 illegal Jewish immigrants.
August 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military authorities ended the curfew in Tel Aviv after detaining 500 persons for further questioning. A second arms dump was discovered on July 1 in a school building.
August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government disclosed that 91 persons were killed and 45 injured in the King David bombing.
August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. Jerusalem police announced the arrest of Itzhak Yesternitsky, second man in the Stern gang.
August 12, 1946, London. The British Government announced that it will allow no more unscheduled immigration into Palestine and that those seeking entry into that country will be sent to Cyprus and other areas under detention. Declaring that such immigration threatens a civil war with the Arab population, it charges a “minority of Zionist extremists” with attempting to force an unacceptable solution of the Palestine problem.
August 12, 1946, Haifa. Two ships carrying a total of 1,300 Jewish refugees arrived at Haifa. The port area was isolated on August 11 by British military and naval units. The first deportation ship sailed for Cyprus with 500 Jews on board.
August 13, 1946, Haifa. Three Jews were killed and seven wounded when British troops were compelled to fire on a crowd of about 1,000 persons trying to break into the port area of Haifa. Two Royal Navy ships with 1,300 illegal Jewish immigrants on board sailed for Cyprus. Another ship with 600 illegal immigrants was captured and confined in the Haifa harbor.
August 26, 1946, Palestine. British military units searched the coastal villages of Casera and Sadoth Yam for three Jews who bombed the transport “Empire Rival” last week. Eighty-five persons, including the entire male population of one of the villages were sent to the Rafa detention center.
August 27, 1946, Palestine. During the searches conducted on August 26, an explosive limpet mine similar to the one used on the “Empire Rival” was found.
August 29, 1946, Jerusalem. The British Government announced the commutation to life imprisonment of the death sentences imposed on 18 Jewish youths convicted of bombing the Haifa railroad shops.
August 30, 1946, Palestine. British military units discovered arms and munitions dumps in the Jewish farming villages of Dorot and Ruhama.
September 8, 1946, Palestine. Zionist terrorists cut the Palestine railroad in 50 places.
September 9, 1946, Tel Aviv. Two British officers were killed in an explosion in a public building.
September 9, 1946, Haifa. An Arab constable was killed.
September 10, 1946, Palestine. British troops imposed a curfew and arrested 101 Jews and wounded two in a search for saboteurs in Tel Aviv and neighboring Ramat Gan. Irgun terrorist groups took the action against the railways on September 8, as a protest.
September 14, 1946, Jaffa. Jewish terrorists robbed three banks in Jaffa and Tel Aviv, killing three Arabs. Thirty-six Jews were arrested.
September 15, 1946, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorists attacked a police station on the coast near Tel Aviv but were driven off by gunfire.
October 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military units and police seized 50 Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe after a Jewish home was blown up. This home belonged to a Jewish woman who had refused to pay extortion money to the Irgun terrorist gang.
October 6, 1946, Jerusalem. An RAF man was killed by gunfire.
October 8, 1946, Jerusalem. Two British soldiers were killed when their truck detonated a land mine outside Jerusalem. A leading Arab figure was wounded in a similar mine explosion in Jerusalem and more road mines were found near Government House.
October 31, 1946, Rome. The British Embassy in Rome was damaged by a bomb, believed to have been planted by Jewish terrorists.
November 3, 1946, Palestine. Two Jews and two Arabs were killed in clashes between Arabs and a group of Jews attempting to establish a settlement at Lake Hula in northern Palestine.
November 4, 1946, Rome. Italian authorities released a letter in which the Jewish terrorist gang Irgun took credit for the October 31 embassy bombing.
November 5, 1946, Palestine. British authorities released the following eight Jewish Agency leaders from the Latrun concentration camp where they had been held since June 29: Moshe Shertok, Dr. Issac Greenbaum, Dr. Bernard Joseph, David Remiz, David Hacohen, David Shingarevsky, Joseph Shoffman and Mordecai Shatter. A total of 2,550 Haganah suspects have also been released as well as 779 Jews arrested in the wake of the King David bombing.
November 7, 1946, Palestine. Railroad traffic was suspended for 24 hours throughout Palestine following a fourth Irgun attack on railway facilities in two days.
November 9 through November 13, 1946, Palestine. Nineteen persons, eleven British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables, were killed in Palestine during this period as Jewish terrorists, using land mines and suitcase bombs, increased their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even streetcars.
November 14, 1946, London. The Board of Deputies of British Jews condemned Jewish terrorist groups who threatened to export their terrorism to England.
November 18, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv attacked Jews, assaulting many and firing into houses. Twenty Jews were injured in fights with British troops following the death on November 17 of three policemen and an RAF sergeant in a land mine explosion.
November 20, 1946, Jerusalem. Five persons were injured when a bomb exploded in the Jerusalem tax office.
December 2 through December 5, 1946, Palestine. Ten persons, including six British soldiers, were killed in bomb and land-mine explosions.
December 3, 1946, Jerusalem. A member of the Stern gang was killed in an aborted hold-up attempt.
December 26, 1946, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nathanya and Tel Aviv and escaped with nearly $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. These raids signaled an end to a two-week truce during the World Zionist Congress.
January 1, 1947, Jerusalem. Dov Gruner was sentenced to hang by a British military court for taking part in a raid on the Ramat Gan police headquarters in April of 1946.
January 2, 1947, Palestine. A wave of terror swept Palestine as Jewish terrorists staged bombings and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties were low. Homemade flamethrowers were used in several cases. Pamphlets seized warned that the Irgun had again declared war against the British and Arabs of Palestine.
January 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British soldiers have been ordered to wear sidearms at all times and were forbidden to enter any cafe or restaurant.
January 5, 1947, Egypt. Eleven British troops were injured in a hand grenade attack on a train carrying troops to Palestine. The attack took place near Benha, 25 miles from Cairo.
January 8, 1947, Palestine. British police arrested 32 persons suspected of being members of the Irgun terrorist gang’s “Black Squad” in raids on Rishon-el Zion and Rehoboth.
January 12, 1947, Haifa. A single terrorist drove a truck filled with high explosives into the central police station and exploded it, killing two British policemen and two Arab constables and injuring 140 others. The terrorist escaped. This action ended a 10-day lull in the violence and the Stern gang took the credit for it.
January 13, 1947, Haifa. British soldiers and police screened 872 persons in Haifa and detained 10 for further questioning as Arabs and Jews both condemned the bombing.
January 14, 1947, Jerusalem. Yehudi Katz is sentenced to life in prison by a Jerusalem court for robbing a bank in Jaffa in September of 1946 to obtain funds for the terrorists.
January 21, 1947, London. Dr. Emmanuel Neumann, vice president for the Zionist Organization of America, declared U.S. Zionists would spend “millions” to finance illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine. A Haganah spokesman in Paris claimed that 211,878 Jews entered Palestine illegally during the past 15 months.
January 22, 1947, Palestine. Sir Harry Gurney, Chief Secretary, stated that the British administration was taxing Palestine $2,400,000 to pay for sabotage by the terrorists.
January 22, 1947, London. Colonial Secretary Arthur Creech Jones informed the House of Commons 73 British subjects were murdered by Palestine terrorists in 1946 and “no culprits have been convicted.”
January 27, 1947, London. Britain’s conference on Palestine, boycotted by the Jews, reconvened. Jamal el Husseini, Palestine Arab leader, declared that the Arab world was unalterably opposed to partition as a solution to the problem. The session then adjourned.
January 29, 1947, London. It was officially announced that the British Cabinet decided to partition Palestine.
January 29, 1947, Jerusalem. Irgun forces released former Maj. H. Collins, a British banker, who they kidnapped on January 26 from his home. He had been badly beaten. On January 28, the Irgun released Judge Ralph Windham who had been kidnapped in Tel Aviv on January 27 while trying a case. These men had been taken as hostages for Dov Bela Gruner, an Irgun member under death sentence for terrorism. The British High Commissioner, Lt. Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham, had threatened martial law unless the two men were returned unharmed.
January 31, 1947, Jerusalem. General Cunningham ordered the wives and children of all British civilians to leave Palestine at once. About 2,000 are involved. This order did not apply to the 5,000 Americans in Palestine.
February 3, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government issued a 7-day ultimatum to the Jewish Agency demanding that it state “categorically and at once” whether it and the supreme Jewish Council in Palestine will call on the Jewish community by February 10 for “cooperation with the police and armed forces in bringing to justice the members of the terrorist groups.”
This request was publicly rejected by Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, head of the Jewish Agency’s political department.
February 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British District Commissioner James Pollock disclosed a plan for military occupation of three sectors of Jerusalem and orders nearly 1,000 Jews to evacuate the Rehavia, Schneler and German quarters by noon, February 6.
February 5, 1947, Jerusalem. The Vaad Leumi rejected the British ultimatum while the Irgun passed out leaflets that it was prepared to fight to the death against the British authority.
The first 700 of some 1,500 British women and children ordered to evacuate Palestine leave by plane and train for Egypt. British authorities, preparing for military action, order other families from sections of Tel Aviv and Haifa which will be turned into fortified military areas.
February 9, 1947, Haifa. British troops removed 650 illegal Jewish immigrants from the schooner “Negev” at Haifa and after a struggle forced them aboard the ferry “Emperor Haywood” for deportation to Cyprus.
February 14, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration revealed that Lt. Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker, retiring British commander in Palestine, had confirmed the death sentences of three Irgun members on February 12 before leaving for England. The three men, Dov Ben Rosenbaum, Eliezer Ben Kashani and Mordecai Ben Alhachi, had been sentenced on February 10 to be hanged for carrying firearms. A fourth, Haim Gorovetzky, received a life sentence because of his youth. Lt. Gen. G. MacMillan arrived in Jerusalem on February 13 to succeed Gen. Barker.
February 15, 1947, Palestine. The Sabbath was the setting for sporadic outbreaks of violence which included the murder of an Arab in Jaffa and of a Jew in Bne Brok, the kidnapping of a Jew in Peta Tikvah and the burning of a Jewish club in Haifa.
March 9, 1947, Hadera. A British army camp was attacked.
March 10, 1947, Haifa. A Jew, suspected of being an informer, was murdered by Jewish terrorists.
March 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Army pay corps was dynamited in Jerusalem and one soldier killed.
March 12, 1947, Palestine. British military units captured most of the 800 Jews whose motor ship “Susanna” ran the British blockade and was beached north of Gaza on this date. A British naval escort brought the “Ben Hecht,” the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation’s first known immigrant ship, into Haifa, and its 599 passengers were shipped to Cyprus. The British arrested the crew, which included 18 U.S. seamen.
March 13, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities announced 78 arrests as a result of unofficial Jewish cooperation, but two railroads were attacked, resulting in two deaths, and eight armed men robbed a Tel Aviv bank of $65,000.
March 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists blew up part of an oil pipeline in Haife and a section of the rail line near Beer Yakov.
March 16, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency building was bombed.
March 17, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities ended martial law which had kept 300,000 Jews under house arrest for 16 days and tied up most economic activity.
March 17, 1947, Palestine. A military court sentenced Moshe Barazani to be hanged for possessing a hand grenade.
March 18, 1947, Palestine. Terrorist leaflets admitted the murder of Michael Shnell on Mount Carmel as an informer.
March 22, 1947, Palestine. British officials announced the arrest of five known terrorists and the discovery near Petah Tikvah of the body of Leon Meshiah, a Jew presumably slain as a suspected informer.
March 26, 1947, London. Britain’s Privy Council rejected the appeal of the death sentence against Dov Bela Gruner.
March 28, 1947, Haifa. The Irgun blew up the Iraq Petroleum Co. pipeline in Haifa.
March 29, 1947, Palestine. A British army officer was murdered by Jewish terrorists when they ambushed a party of horsemen near the Ramle camp. A raid by terrorists on a Tel Aviv bank yielded $109,000.
March 30, 1947, Palestine. Units of the British Royal Navy, answering an SOS, took the disabled “Moledeth” with 1,600 illegal Jewish refugees on board under tow some 50 miles outside Palestinian waters.
March 30, 1947, Tel Aviv. The Stern gang killed the wife of a British soldier.
March 31, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists dynamited the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa, starting a fire that destroyed a quarter-mile of the waterfront. The damage was set at more than $1,000,000, and the British government in Palestine has stated that the Jewish community will have to pay for it.
April 2, 1947, Cyprus. The “Ocean Vigour” was damaged by a bomb in Famagusta Harbor, Cyprus. The Haganah admitted the bombing.
April 2, 1947, Jerusalem. A court in Jerusalem sentenced Daniel Azulai and Meyer Feinstein, members of the Irgun terrorist gang, to death for the October 30 attack on the Jerusalem railroad station. The Palestine Supreme Court admitted an appeal of Dov Bela Gruner’s death sentence.
April 3, 1947. The transport “Empire Rival” was damaged by a time bomb while en route from Haifa to Port Said in Egypt.
April 7, 1947, Jerusalem. The High Court denied a new appeal against the death sentence of Dov Bela Gruner, and a British patrol killed Moshe Cohen.
April 8, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed a British constable in revenge for the Cohen death.
April 9, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government abandoned “statutory martial law” in the face of unfavorable publicity but granted itself military dictatorship powers in “controlled areas” it may impose.
April 10, 1947, London. The British Government requested France and Italy to prevent Jews from embarking for Palestine.
April 11, 1947, Jerusalem. Asher Eskovitch, a Jew, was beaten to death by Moslems when he entered the forbidden Mosque of Omar.
April 13, 1947, Jerusalem. Guella Cohen, Stern gang illegal broadcaster, escaped from a British military hospital.
April 14, 1947, Tel Aviv. A British naval unit boarded the refugee ship “Guardian” and seized it along with 2,700 passengers after a gun battle in which two immigrants were killed and 14 wounded.
April 16, 1947, Haifa. In spite of threats of reprisal from the Irgun, the British hanged Dov Bela Gruner and three other Irgun members at Acre Prison on Haifa Bay. Jewish communities were kept under strict curfew for several hours. Soon after the deaths were announced, a time bomb was found in the Colonial Office in London, but was defused.
April 17, 1947, Palestine. Lt. Gen. G. MacMillan confirmed death sentences for two more convicted terrorists, Meier Ben Feinstein and Moshe Ben Barazani, but reduced Daniel Azulai’s sentence to life imprisonment.
April 18, 1947, Palestine. Irgun’s reprisals for the Gruner execution were an attack on a field dressing station near Nethanaya where one sentry was killed, an attack on an armored car in Tel Aviv where one bystander was killed and harmless shots at British troops in Haifa.
April 19, 1947, Haifa. British naval units exploded depth charges in Haifa harbor to prevent an underwater assault by Jewish “frogmen” on three British deportation vessels that took the “Guardian’s” passengers to Cyprus.
April 20, 1947, Tel Aviv. A series of bombings by Jewish terrorists in retaliation for the hanging of convicted terrorist Gruner injured 12 British soldiers.
April 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Meier Feinstein and Moshe Barazani, condemned terrorists, killed themselves in prison a few hours before they were scheduled to be hanged. They blew themselves up with bombs smuggled to them in hollowed-out oranges.
April 22, 1947, Palestine. A troop train arriving from Cairo was bombed outside Rehovoth with five soldiers and three civilians killed and 39 persons injured.
April 23, 1947, London. The British First Lord of the Admiralty, Viscount Hall, defended the Labor Government’s policy in Palestine and he acknowledged in the House of Lords that Britain would not “carry out a policy of which it did not approve” despite any UN action. He blamed contributions from American Jews to the Palestine terrorists as aiding terrorism there and cited the toll since August 1, 1945: 113 killed, 249 wounded, 168 Jews convicted, 28 sentenced to death, four executed, 33 terrorists slain in battles. Viscount Samuel urged increased immigration.
April 23, 1947, Palestine. The Irgun proclaimed its own “military courts” to “try” British troops and policemen who resisted them.
April 23, 1947, Palestine. Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham, Palestine High Commander flew to Egypt and requested Lt. General Sir Miles Dempsey, Middle-East land-force commander, for more troops to be sent to Palestine.
April 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Stern gang squad drove a stolen post office truck loaded with explosives into the Sarona police compound and detonated it, killing five British policemen.
April 26, 1947, Haifa. The murder of Deputy Police Superintendent A. Conquest climaxed a week of bloodshed.
May 4, 1947, Acre. The walls of Acre prison were blasted open by an Irgun bomb squad and 251 Jewish and Arab prisoners escaped after a gun battle in which 15 Jews and 1 Arab were killed, 32 (including six British guards) were injured and 23 escapists were recaptured. The Palestine Government promised no extra punishment if the 189 escapees still at large will surrender.
May 6, 1947, Jerusalem. Former British Commando Sgt. Dov Bernard Cohen, head of the Acre bomb squad, was fatally wounded in the attack.
May 4, 1947, New York. The Political Action Committee for Palestine ran a series of advertisements in New York newspapers seeking funds to buy parachutes for young European Jews planning to crash the Palestine immigration barrier by air.
May 8, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Jew was ambushed and shot to death by an Arab group near Tel Aviv, and three Jewish-owned Tel Aviv shops whose owners refused to contribute money to Jewish terrorist groups were burned down.
May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen.
May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British authorities announced that 312 Jewish political prisoners were held in Kenya, East Africa, 247 in Latrun and 34 in Bethlehem, Palestine.
May 15, 1947. The Stern gang killed two British lieutenants and injured seven other persons with two derailments and three bridge demolitions.
May 16, 1947, Palestine. On the fifth day of another terrorist drive, Haifa Assistant Police Superintendent, Robert Schindler, a German Jew, was murdered by the Stern gang, and a British constable was killed on the Mt. Carmel-Haifa road near Jerusalem.
May 17, 1947, Haifa. The 1,200-ton Haganah freighter “Trade Winds” was seized by the Royal Navy off the Lebanon coast and escorted into Haifa, and over 1,000 illegal immigrants were disembarked pending transfer to Cyprus.
May 19, 1947, London. The British government protested to the United States government against American fund-raising drives for Palestine terrorist groups. The complaint referred to a “Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine” by playwright Ben Hecht, American League for a Free Palestine co-chairman, first published in the New York “Post” on May 15. The ad said, “We are out to raise millions for you.”
May 22, 1947, Palestine. Arabs attacked a Jewish labor camp in southern Palestine, retaliating for a Haganah raid on the Arabs near Tel Aviv May 20. Some 40,000 Arab and Jewish workers united the same day in a one-day strike against all establishments operated by the British War Ministry.
May 23, 1947, Palestine. A British naval party boarded the immigrant ship “Mordei Haghettoath” off South Palestine and took control of its 1,500 passengers. Two British soldiers were convicted in Jerusalem of abandoning a jeep and army mail under a terrorist attack.
May 27, 1947, Germany. Jewish underground migration officials in Frankfurt-am-Main declared they hoped to transport 1,000,000 Jews from Europe to Palestine, 30,000 of them this summer. The Costa Rican ship “Colony Trader” has been detained at Gibraltar under suspicion of its use for smuggling illegal immigrants into Palestine. London is investigating reports that non-Jewish Poles and Slavs in DP camps are being recruited for the Palestine army. Other investigations are being conducted into persistent reports that Soviet Russia has been supplying technical advisors to the Jewish terrorist groups.
May 28, 1947, Syria. Fawzi el-Kawukji, who spent the war years in Germany after leading the 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine, told reporters in Damascus that an unfavorable decision by the UN inquiry group would be the signal for war against the Jews in Palestine. “We must prove that in case” of an Anglo-American war with Russia, “we can be more dangerous or useful to them than the Jews,” he added.
May 28, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists blew up a water main and a shed in the Haifa oil dock areas and made three attacks on railway lines in the Lydda and Haifa areas.
May 31, 1947, Haifa. The Haganah ship “Yehuda Halevy” arrived under British naval escort with 399 illegal Jewish immigrants, the first from Arab territories. They were immediately transshipped to Cyprus.
June 4, 1947, London. The terrorist Jewish Stern gang sent letter bombs to high British governmental officials. Eight letter bombs containing powdered gelignite explosive were discovered in London. Recipients included Ernest Bevan, Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Attlee and Winston Churchill.
June 5, 1947, Washington. President Truman asked all persons in the U.S. to refrain from helping Palestine terrorists. The American Jewish Committee and Jewish Labor Committee condemned Ben Hecht’s campaign for Palestine terrorist funds.
June 5, 1947, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorist mines wrecked two trains near Tel Aviv and Haifa and the Athlit railroad station but without casualties.
June 6, 1947, London. Scotland Yard official now acknowledge that a total of 20 letter bombs have been found.
June 6, 1947, New York. Secretary General of the UN, Trygve Lie has forwarded a request to all countries a request by the British that they guard their frontiers against departure of illegal immigrants bound for Palestine.
June 18, 1947, Tel Aviv. Haganah disclosed that one of its men was killed by a booby trap which foiled an Irgun plot to blow up British Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv.
June 18, 1947, Jerusalem. Major Roy Farran, held in connection with the disappearance of a 16-year-old Jew, managed to escape from custody in the army barracks in Jerusalem.
June 28, 1947, Palestine. The terrorist Stern gang opened fire on British soldiers waiting in a line outside a Tel Aviv theater, killing three and wounding two. Another Briton is killed and several wounded in a Haifa hotel. This action was claimed by Jewish terrorists to be in retaliation for British brutality and the alleged slaying of a missing 16 year old Jew, Alexander Rubowitz while he was being held in an Army barracks on May 6.
June 6, 1947, New York. The UN Committee votes 9-0 to condemn the acts of terrorism as “flagrant disregard” of the UN appeal for an interim truce as Stern terrorists wounded four more British soldiers on a beach at Herzlia. Major Roy Alexander Farran surrendered voluntarily after his escape from custody in Jerusalem on June 19. He had been arrested in connection with the Rubowitz case.
June 30, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine government permitted oil companies to raise prices of benzene nearly 10% to pay for $1 million damage suffered when Jewish terrorists blew up oil installations at Haifa on March 31.
July 1, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Government rejected the UN Commission’s move to halt the execution of three Irgun members convicted of terrorism and also said that the UN Assembly truce resolution of May 15 had no bearing on “the normal processes of the administration of justice” in Palestine.
July 2, 1947, Haifa. Irgun members robbed a Haifa bank of $3,200 while both the Stern gang and the Irgun warned the British that their “provocative” acts in Palestine must end before a truce can be effected. The Guatemalan and Czech members of the UN Commission visited two Jewish convicts in Acre Prison. In Pretoria, South Africa, Prime Minister Smuts, who was a party to the Balfour Declaration, said “the promise of a national home in Palestine never meant the whole of Palestine.” He favored partition into Arab and Jewish states.
July 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Dr. Arieh Altman, president of the United Zionist Revisionists, told a party rally in Jerusalem that the Revisionists would settle for nothing less than an un partitioned free Jewish state in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. Irgun announced in Jerusalem that two British sergeants kidnapped in Nathanaya are being held in Tel Aviv and have been sentenced to death by Irgun court-martial.
July 14, 1947, Nathanya. The British imposed martial law and placed the 15,000 inhabitants of Nathanya under house arrest. They made 68 arrests and sentenced 21 persons to 6 months each in the Latrun detention camp.
July 17, 1947, Nathanya. The Irgun in five mine operations against military traffic to and from Nathanya killed one Briton and injured 16.
July 17, 1947, Nathanya. Mines killed a second Briton and injured seven.
July 18, 1947, Haifa. The American-manned Haganah refugee ship “Exodus 1947” (formerly the “President Warfield”) was escorted into Haifa by British naval units after a battle in which the American first mate, William Bernstein and two immigrants were killed and more than 30 injured.
The blockade runner itself was badly damaged. The remainder of the 4,554 passengers, the largest group of illegal immigrants to sail for Palestine in a single ship, were put aboard British prison ships for removal to Cyprus. The American captain, Bernard Marks, and his crew were arrested. The ship sailed from France.
July 19, 1947, Haifa. Rioting, quickly suppressed, broke out among the passengers of the “Exodus 1947” when they learned they were to be returned to France.
July 19, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government charges that a Jewish “campaign of lawlessness, murder and sabotage” has cost 70 lives and $6 million in damage since 1940.
July 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Before officially admitting that 4,529 passengers of the “Exodus 1947” who had been transferred to three British ships, were being sent not to Cyprus but back to France, the Palestine Government took the precaution of first placing Jerusalem’s 90,000 Jews under nightly house arrest.
July 23, 1947, Haifa. Haganah sank the British transport “Empire Lifeguard” in Haifa harbor as it was discharging 300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were killed and 40 were wounded. The British were able to re float the ship.
July 24, 1947, Amman, Trans-Jordan. Seven members of the UN Palestine Commission flew to Amman and were informed by Jordanian Premier Samir Pasha el Rifai that:
(1) Palestine belongs to the Arabs; (2) the Arabs never accepted the Balfour Declaration; (3) the Jews are imperialistic invaders whose immigration “must be stopped forthwith”; (5) Palestine should get un partitioned independence under the Arab majority; (6) the plight of European refugees does not concern Palestine; (7) the Arabs will justly resist with force any unfavorable decision.
July 26, 1947. Jewish terrorists blew up the Iraqi Petroleum Co. pipeline 12 miles east of Haifa and destroyed a Mt. Carmel radar station.
July 26, 1947, Palestine. Two British soldiers were killed by a booby trap near Jerusalem, raising the week’s violence toll to 12 killed and 75 wounded.
July 26, 1947, Palestine. Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, announced from his secret headquarters that Haganah had planned the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946 in which 91 persons were killed.
July 27, 1947, Palestine. An ambush and mines cost the British seven more casualties, all wounded.
July 28, 1947, Haifa. Two small Haganah ships loaded with 1,174 Jews from North Africa were intercepted by British naval units off Palestine and brought into Haifa. The illegal immigrants were transshipped aboard British transports and taken to Cyprus.
July 29, 1947, Palestine. The British authorities hanged three Irgunists in Acre prison despite appeals from Jewish leaders. The condemned, Myer Nakar, Absalom Habib and Jacob Weiss, had fought in the Czech underground during the war. They were convicted of blowing up Acre Prison on May 4 and liberating 200 Arabs and Jews.
July 29, 1947, France. The 4,429 “Exodus 1947” illegal immigrants who sailed from Sete, France, July 11 for Palestine only to be shipped back by the British aboard three transports, refused to debark as the vessels anchored off Port de Douc, France. Only a few who were ill went ashore. The French government informed the refugees that they do not have to debark but will be welcomed if they do. The transports are the “Runnymede Park,” “Ocean Vigour” and “Empire Valour.”
July 30, 1947, Palestine. Irgun terrorists announced that they have hanged two British sergeants, Marvyn Paice and Clifford Martin, whom they had held as hostages since July 12, for “crimes against the Jewish community.” The two were seized when death sentences on the three Irgun members were confirmed by the British authorities. Two more British soldiers were killed by a land mine near Hadera. British troops attacked the Jewish colony of Pardes Hanna in revenge for the murders.
July 31, 1947, Nathanya. The bodies of the two murdered British sergeants were found hanging from eucalyptus trees one and a half miles from Nathanya about 5:30 AM. A booby trap blew Martin’s body to bits when it was cut down. Enraged British troops stormed into Tel Aviv, wrecked shops, attacked pedestrians and sprayed a bus with gunfire killing five Jews: two men, two women and a boy.
August 1, 1947, Tel Aviv. Thirty-three Jews are injured in an anti-British riot at Tel Aviv during the funeral procession of five civilians killed by British soldiers on July 31. In Jerusalem a Jewish terrorist attack on the British security zone in Rehavia was repulsed with one attacker killed and two captured.
August 2, 1947, Tel Aviv. The body of an unidentified Jew was found on a road near Tel Aviv. He was believed to have been kidnapped by men in British uniforms two weeks ago. Total casualties in Palestine since mid-July: 25 persons slain, 144 wounded. The dead include 15 Britons, two Jewish terrorists, eight civilians. Anti-British slogans, swastikas and dollar signs are painted onto British consulates in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles.
August 3, 1947, Palestine. Haganah warned in Jerusalem that the Britons who killed five Jews in Tel Aviv on July 31 will be found and punished.
August 4, 1947, Paris. An Irgun leader in Paris states that his organization has sentenced high British military and civilian officials in Palestine to death “in absentia” and will hang them upon capture.
August 4, 1947, Palestine. British troops blew up a Jewish house in a Jerusalem suburb in which arms were found. Jewish terrorists robbed Barclay’s Bank in Tel Aviv of $5,200 and a Haganah member was killed.
August 5, 1947, Palestine. Striking at dawn, British security forces arrested 35 leading Zionists and sent them to the Latrun detention camp in an attempt to wipe out the Irgun leadership.
In reprisal, Irgunists blew up the Department of Labor in Jerusalem, killing three British constables. Those arrested included Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv; Mayor Oved Ben Ami of Nathanya; Mayor Abraham Krinitzki of Ramat Gan; Arieh Altman, president of the radical Revisionist Party; Menahem Arber, leader of the Revisionist youth organization, B’rith Trumpeldor, which is outlawed; Max Kritzman, Dov Bela Gruner’s attorney, and David Stern, brother of the late founder of the Stern gang.
All those arrested except the three mayors were Revisionists. Among many papers confiscated was correspondence from Soviet Russian agents in Italy and Bulgaria and extensive plans to poison the water supply of the non-Jewish parts of Jerusalem with botulism and other bacteria. Bacteria was supplied by Soviet sources through Bulgaria.
August 5, 1947, England. Anti-Semitic outbreaks slackened after five days of rock-throwing, window-smashing and other incidents including daubing Jewish businesses with swastikas and numerous assaults on British Jews.
These incidents occurred in Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff (Wales), Leeds, London and Birmingham as retaliation for the murder of two British sergeants in Palestine.
Thirty-eight persons were arrested in Liverpool but in the main, the British police ignored the rioters and permitted them to run their course.
August 8, 1947, Palestine. The Bank of Sharon in Ramat Gan was robbed by Jewish terrorists of $8,000.
August 14, 1947, Geneva. The UN Special Subcommittee on Palestine returned to Geneva after a seven-day tour of DP camps in Austria and Germany. The tour took the group to Munich, Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. In Berlin it heard reports August 13 from General Lucius D. Clay, U.S. Military Governor. Clay testified that anti-Semitism is growing very sharply among the ranks of the U.S. military units in the U.S. zones of Austria and Germany because of the violent, asocial and criminal behavior of the Eastern European DP's, all of whom are Jewish. He recommended that these DP's be allowed to enter Palestine before some incident with American soldiers, who have been beaten, robbed and killed by Jewish DP's, leads to severe spontaneous reactions of the part of other soldiers. His views were seconded very strongly by Sir Brian Robertson, Deputy British Military Governor.
August 15, 1947, Palestine. A mine derailed a Cairo-Haifa troop train north of Lydda, killing the engineer, and Irgun terrorists claimed the incident was part of its campaign to disrupt all the Palestine rail traffic.
August 16, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish clashes have brought death to 12 Arabs and 13 Jews and heavy property destruction this week in the regions of Jewish Tel Aviv and Arab Jaffa. Interracial strife was renewed on August 10 when Arabs killed four Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe, in reprisal for the deaths of two Arabs in a Haganah raid in Fega two months ago. Haganah responded to the Arab actions by bombing a house in an Arab orange grove near Tel Aviv, killing eleven Arabs, including a woman and four children.
British military curfews imposed on August 13 on slum districts between modern Tel Aviv and Jaffa have failed to prevent mounting casualties. British military authorities, citing captured intelligence and statements from Jewish defectors from terrorists organizations, state that it now appears that the Jewish terrorists are beginning to attack Arabs where ever they found them because Jews wish the Arabs to be driven out of Palestine entirely.
August 18, 1947, Palestine. The shops of five Jewish merchants in Tel Aviv were destroyed by the Irgun because the owners refused to give money to that organization.
August 23, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities reported that five Arabs in one family, two men, one woman and two children, were murdered by Jewish terrorists as retaliation for the British arrest of two Irgun leaders on August 15.
September 9, 1947, Hamburg, Germany. In a bitter three-hour fight aboard the “Runnymede Park,” 350 British troops completed a two-day forced debarkation of 4,300 “Exodus 1947” illegal Jewish refugees from three ships in Hamburg, Germany. First ashore yesterday were the “Ocean Vigour’s” 1,406; a few put up token resistance and five passengers sustained minor injuries. Early today, the “Empire Rival’s” 1,420 passengers debarked peaceably after a home made bomb was found in the ship’s hold.
Many of the “Runnymede Park’s” 1,485 passengers fiercely resisted the debarkation process and British military units had to use fire hoses and truncheons to rout resisters below decks.
The Jews were taken ashore screaming “Nazis” to the British. “Runnymede Park” casualties, officially, were 24 Jews and three Britons injured, with 50 leaders of the resistance on that ship taken to jail. German police broke up a Hamburg demonstration by 1,300 Jewish DP's from the Bergen-Belsen camp, where British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevan was hanged in effigy on September 7. The debarked “Exodus” passengers were interned in Poppendorf camp near Luebeck for screening by nationalities and at first all of them refused to cooperate with British authorities until the passengers were threatened with a diet of bread and water.
September 10, 1947, Washington D.C. Secretary of State George C. Marshall disclosed that the U.S. had urged Britain to reconsider sending the “Exodus” group to Germany, but Britain replied that there were no facilities for housing them elsewhere because the French did not want them and there were a number of vacant detention camps in Germany.
September 10, 1947, Paris. The French government has now announced that it would admit the “Exodus” refugees if they were not forcibly deported from Germany and on the understanding that they will be admitted eventually to Palestine.
September 7, 1947, Paris. French police state a Stern gang plot to attack London with home-made fire extinguisher bombs from the air was thwarted through the cooperation of Reginald Gilbert of St. Louis, Missouri, a student and wartime RCAF and AAF pilot. He was taken into custody with Rabbi Baruch Korff, of New York, co-chairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine, and Judith Rosenberger, Hungarian-born Stern gang member, as the three started to enter a private plane last night at Toussus-le-Noble field near Versailles.
Gilbert informed French police that Korff had approached him in Paris a week ago with an offer for flying a bombing mission over London the day of the “Exodus” illegal immigrant landings in Germany.
Gilbert accepted for some other pilot who would actually perform the mission. He at once notified Paris police, then worked with them and Scotland Yard while pretending to go through with the Stern gang’s plot. Korff was charged in Paris on September 9 with illegal possession of bombs he was intending to drop on London. He began a hunger strike. Paris police state that nine other conspirators were in custody.
September 12, 1947, Palestine. Irgun has threatened to assassinate British representatives in the U.S. Zone of Germany and all British delegations there are under 24-hour guard, the U.S. command announced in Frankfurt-on-the-Main. A probe of Irgun thefts from U.S. army ammunition depots in Germany was reported on September 7.
September 20, 1947, Jerusalem. British raids September 16-19 uncovered several arms caches and terrorist hideouts in the Jerusalem area.
The home of David Ben-Gurion, Jewish Agency executive chairman was robbed of important papers September 18. In Paris, Rabbi Baruch Korff, leader of a Stern gang plot to bomb London, ended a hunger strike in Sante prison on September 15.
October 13, 1947, Jerusalem. A terrorist bomb damaged the U.S. consulate general in Jerusalem, injuring two employees slightly. Similar bombings occurred at the Polish consulate general last night and at the Swedish consulate on September 27.
In Baghdad, the Iraq foreign office advised an American House Foreign Affairs Committee group not to make a projected visit there because of “high feeling” over U.S. endorsement of partitioning in Palestine.
The State Department in Washington announced it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in terrorism in Palestine. Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due U.S. citizens abroad.
October 18, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government states that Palestine Arab forces have been sent from the Trans-Jordan frontier to the Syrian and Lebanon borders to replace a British brigade which recently left Palestine. Zionists protested having Arab troops on the border of northern Palestine.
November 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen in Jerusalem and two soldiers in Tel Aviv to raise the total casualties in three days of violence to 10 Britons and five Jews killed and 33 Britons and five Jews wounded. The outbreaks began after British troops killed three girls and two boys in a raid on a farmhouse arsenal near Raanana on November 12. The terrorists retaliated yesterday by throwing hand grenades and firing a machine gun into the Ritz Cafe in Jerusalem.
November 15, 1947, London. The British Foreign Office denied Jerusalem press reports that Britain planned to take over any financial surplus left in Palestine’s treasury in pay for the costs of evacuation and combating unauthorized Jewish immigration.
November 16, 1947, Palestine. About 185 European Jews landed near Nahariya from a small schooner and escaped before the British could intercept them. A larger vessel, the “Kadimah,” was seized and brought to Haifa where 794 Jews were transshipped to a British transport for Cyprus.
November 17, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration disclosed that it will sell state-owned real estate along the Haifa waterfront, from which it expects to make $8 million. It will also invest in England about $16 million from bonds that had been sold to Palestinians. Zionists strongly protested this as they said it would denude Palestine of its assets. There was no comment from the administration to these charges.
November 22, 1947, Haifa. Another Arab was murdered in Haifa by the Stern gang following their execution of four Arabs near Raanana November 20 in retaliation for the British shooting of five Stern gang members on November 12. Arabs retaliated against this killing at Raanana by wounding five Jews on a bus near Tel Aviv on November 20.
November 30-December 6, 1947, Palestine. A week of disorders brought on by Arab wrath over the UN’s decision to partition the Holy Land ended with at least 159 killed in the Middle East, 66 in Palestine. While Jews in Palestine, Europe and the U.S. celebrated and began planning their new state and the UN moved to implement its plan, war talk was rife throughout the Arab world.
The Arab League announced on December 1 that premiers and foreign ministers of seven Arab states would meet in Cairo next week to plan strategy against partition.
In Palestine: Jerusalem and the Jaffa Tel Aviv boundary zone were centers of week-long strife which began when seven Jews were killed throughout Palestine on November 30 and the mayor of Nablus, Arab nationalist center, proclaimed jihad or a holy war. British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham warned the Arab Higher Command on December 1 that Britain was determined to keep order so long as it held its mandate, and police stopped Arab agitators from raising crowds in Jerusalem. But Jewish celebrations there were stoned.
Arabs looted and burned a three-block Jewish business district in Jerusalem on December 2, the first day of a three-day Arab general strike during which 20 Jews and 15 Arabs were killed. When British troops failed to intervene, Haganah (unofficial Zionist militia) came into the open for the first time in eight years to restrain large-scale Jewish retaliation and also guard Jewish districts. Some Haganah men were arrested for possessing weapons. The day’s strife cause $1 million worth of damage and resulted in a 24-hour curfew being applied to Arab Jerusalem for the rest of the week. The curfew was extended to outlying roads on December 3 to stop stonings of Jewish traffic and keep rural Arabs out of the capital. Max Pinn, head of the Jewish Agency’s Trade and Transfer Department was killed on December 2 when Arabs stoned his auto near Ramleh. On this day Jews stoned Arab buses in Jerusalem.
On the Jaffa-Tel Aviv boundary, which also is under around-the-clock curfew, the week’s heaviest battle was a six-hour clash between Haganah and Arabs on December 3 in which seven Jews and five Arabs were killed and 75 persons injured. On December 2, Haganah claimed to have mobilized 10,000 men in the intercity trouble zone, and the Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan reported on this date that it had reinforced Jaffa. Seven Jews were killed in Jaffa-Tel Aviv on this date. There were lesser attacks in Haifa this week.
It becomes clearly evident that the partition is not going as planned and that although the Jews are pleased, the Arabs are not. There appears to be no way to control the Jews or their determination to drive all of the Arabs out of Jerusalem by force if necessary. The Arabs, initially living in peace with the Jewish minority, have been increasingly victimized by the Jews who, now that the British are leaving, are turning their savage behavior against them.
The Jews have redoubled their efforts to build a military force and arm them. They claim that this force is to protect the Jewish population against attacks from the Arab countries as well as the Arab population of Jerusalem but an even stronger argument can be made that the Zionists are determined to drive out the Arab population by armed force. The initial Arab response to Jewish harassment over the past year has been very slow in coming but it seems to be quite inevitable and a terrible civil war is foreseen.
The United States Department of State announced on December 5, 1947 that they were placing an embargo on all American arms shipments to the Middle East. It appears that the Soviets have been sending weapons, mostly captured German pieces, to assist the Zionists and accompanying these clandestine arms shipments the Soviets have also sent a very sizable contingent of instructors and advisors to Palestine in months past.
As many of the Zionists are Russian or Polish in origin, these Communist Russians have been received gladly by the Jewish extremists and quickly blend in with the local populations.
Soviet interest in Middle East oil and an overriding interest in obtaining warm-water ports are a prime factor in their interest in a Jewish state in Palestine.
The most violent reactions in the Arab world to the UN partition idea are Syrian and Egyptian. However, it is noted that the worst outbreak of anti-partition violence outside Palestine occurred in Aden, a British colony at the entrance to the Red Sea. On December 5, British military reinforcements were sent to Aden after four days of Arab-Jewish fighting in which 50 Jews and 25 Arabs were killed.
In Syria, public demonstrations by the Arab population paralyzed business in Damascus earlier this week. The Soviet cultural center and Communist headquarters in Damascus were wrecked on November 30 with four persons killed. The Syrian Communist Party was officially disbanded by the government and the U.S. and British Embassy flags were torn down. On December 1, Syria introduced military training into all boys’ schools and on December 2, the Syrian Parliament enacted a draft law and voted $860,000 for the relief of Palestinian Arabs. On the same day Arabs attacked the Jewish part of Aleppo.
In Egypt the Chamber of Deputies resolved on December 1 to help keep Palestine a totally Arab state and to support the Arab population of Palestine against attacks by the Jewish minority. There were repeated anti-U.S. and British demonstrations in Egypt’s main cities, and the British Institute in Zagazig was burned on December 2. All public meetings were banned in Cairo after Egyptian police fought with 15,000 people on December 4.
In Lebanon, Arab students smashed the windows of the U.S. Legation in Beirut on December 1 and Lebanese Communists demonstrated against the partition of Palestine and all schools were closed to prevent student disorders.
In Iraq, students in Baghdad wrecked the U.S. Information offices on December 4.
In Saudi Arabia, anti-American demonstrations by Arabs in the oil fields were restrained by the government.
December 13, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists shifted from defense to attack in the second week of conflict with the Arabs since the UN voted for partition of Palestine.
The death toll for the past 14 days was at least 220 in Palestine and 336 in the Middle East, including 111 in Aden in the previous week.
Arab retaliatory raids at Jaffa and Tel Aviv had killed 30 Jews and Arabs when local businessmen on both sides arranged a truce on December 10 to effect an orange harvest. On December 11, however, the Arabs renewed their assaults in the Old City of Jerusalem, which was the worst day of the current strife with 41 fatalities throughout Palestine. On December 12, Haganah launched attacks on both the Arabs and British with a death toll of 20 Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed.
On December 13, bombings by the Irgun killed at least 16 Arabs and injured 67 more in Jerusalem and Jaffa and burned down a hundred Arab houses in Jaffa.
In Syria, an anti-Jewish attack in retaliation for the Irgun actions burned down a 2,750-year old synagogue in Aleppo and destroyed the priceless Ben-Asher Codex, a 10th century Hebrew Bible of original Old Testament manuscripts.
December 14, 1947, Lydda. Regular troops of the Arab Legion of the Trans-Jordan Army killed 14 Jews and wounded nine Jews, two British soldiers and one Arab when they attacked a bus convoy approaching their camp near Lydda. The Arabs said the Jews attacked them first.
December 17, 1947, Cairo. Premiers of the seven Arab League states called on the Arabs to “prepare for the struggle.” They promised to “prosecute the fight until victorious.” General Nuri as-Said Pasha, president of the Iraqi Senate, accused the U.S. of breaking a promise of neutrality.
December 17, 1947, Nevatim. British troops came to the aid of police standing off a raid by 100 Arabs on the Jewish settlement of Nevatim, seven miles west of Beersheba.
December 18, 1947, Khisas. Haganah killed 10 Arabs, including five children in a reprisal raid on Khisas in Northern Palestine.
December 19, 1947, Damascus. Reliable reports from Damascus state that Arab guerrillas are massing there in preparation to launching an attack into Palestine before the first of the year.
December 20, 1947, Palestine. Haganah carried out another raid on Arabs by attacking the village of Qazasa near Rehovoth. One Arab was killed and two were wounded.
December 21, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency gave official approval for Haganah to make reprisal raids on Arab villages and “exterminate nests of brigands.”
December 25, 1947, Haifa. Emir Mohammed Zeinati, an Arab landowner, was killed in Haifa for selling land to the Jews.
December 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. Stern gang terrorists machine-gunned two British soldiers in a Tel Aviv cafe.
December 26, 1947, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nazthaanya and Tel Aviv and escaped with $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. The Stern gang distributed leaflets reporting that Israel Levin, a member, was murdered in Tel Aviv on December 24 for trying to betray a Stern gang member.
December 29, 1947, Palestine. Irgun members kidnapped and flogged a British major and three sergeants in retaliation for the flogging of Benjamin Kimkhim who was also sentenced to 18 years in prison on December 27 for robbing a bank. The major, E. Brett, was seized in Nathanya and the sergeants in Tel Aviv and Rishon el Siyon. Each got 18 lashes, the same number Kimkhim received.
December 29, 1947, Jerusalem. An Irgun terrorist bombing at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem killed 11 Arabs and two Britons.
December 30, 1947, London. The Dollis Hill Synagogue in London was set on fire and 12 sacred scrolls were destroyed by angry British citizens who scrawled on the burned edifice “You whip—we burn.”
December 21-31, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish conflict in the Holy Land increased the death toll to 489 from violence in Palestine in the 33 days since the UN decided on partition.
January 3-10, 1948, Palestine. Extensive Jewish Agency purchases of U.S. war surplus high explosives with which to fight Arabs were disclosed in the New York City area. While 191 tons of TNT and the more powerful M-3 were seized before shipment, 73 tons cleared New York for Palestine.
The TNT shipment was accidentally discovered when longshoremen loading the American Export Lines freighter “Executor” in Jersey City on January 3, dropped a box marked “industrial machinery” and while attempting to repair the box, found cans of TNT bearing U.S. Army markings.
The “machinery” proved to be 32 1/2 tons of TNT, which the U.S. Customs impounded as contraband because of the ban on American arms shipments to the Middle East. On January 10, the FBI was attempting to trace the source of the contraband.
The Jewish Agency for Palestine acknowledged on January 10 that it had purchased 199 tons of M-3 from the War Assets Administration at the Army’s Seneca Ordnance Depot near Romulous, New York.
Federal and state agents recovered 126 tons from a farmhouse and trucks near Asbury Park, New Jersey, and Barclay Heights and Saugerties, New York on January 8-9 but 73 tons were believed to be en route to Palestine.
The Jewish Agency called its transaction with the WAA legal, admitted having set up “Foundry Associates, Inc.” in New York with a Haganah agent in charge, to buy explosives for their war on the Arabs. The FBI said Leonard Weisman, president of three New York firms (Pratt Steamship Line, Material Redistribution Corporation and Paragon Design and Development Co.) gave the Haganah agent office space but did nothing illegal.
WAA stopped all deliveries on unfilled orders on January 9 in the New York area. It said Foundry Associates, Inc., had sworn that it was a normal trader in explosives, thereby qualifying to buy the M-3, and that the export question was a U.S. Department of State matter.
January 4, 1948, Jaffa. A series of Jewish terrorist bombings inflicted heavy Arab casualties. 14 were killed and 100 injured when the Stern gang destroyed the Arab National Committee headquarters in Jaffa.
January 5, 1948, Jerusalem. 15 Arabs were killed after Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel.
January 6, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Government denounced the Semiramis attack as “wholesale murder of innocent people” but the Jewish Agency alleged that “Arab gangs” used the hotel and asked why attacks on Jews had not been equally denounced.
January 7, 1948, Jerusalem. 14 Arabs were killed by two Irgun terrorist bombs at Jerusalem’s Jaffa Gate.
January 10, 1948, Jerusalem. The official death toll in Palestine since November 29 (when the UN voted for partition) had risen to 646.
January 12, 1948, Tel Aviv. Stern gang members looted Barclay’s Bank in Tel Aviv of $37,000.
January 13, 1948, Washington. The U.S. War Assets Administration received orders from Army Secretary Kenneth Royal to cancel its sale of 199 tons of M-3 explosive to a purchasing agent of the Jewish Agency, which got 73 tons out of the country before the rest was seized.
January 14-15, 1948, New York. The FBI arrested six New York men on charges of trying to ship Haganah 60,000 pounds of TNT, which was seized in Jersey City after having been bought from the Letterkenny Arsenal Ordnance Depot in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
January 16-17, 1948, Haifa. Zionists claimed they had murdered 82 Arabs, mostly civilians, in a 24 hour period. In retaliation for the massacres, Arabs machine-gunned 35 Haganah men who were en route to attack another Arab farming settlement.
January 17, 1948, Jerusalem. The official death toll of Arabs killed by Jewish terrorists since November 29 had risen to 831.
January 25, 1948, Jerusalem. Following the deaths of ten Jews and two Arabs killed in a battle outside Jerusalem, British authorities stated that 721 Arabs, 408 Jews, 19 civilians and 12 British policemen (a total of 1,160) had been killed in an eight-week period that 1,171 Arabs, 749 Jews, 13 civilians and 37 British officers had been wounded.
January 26, 1948, Palestine. Mrs. Golda Meyerson, Jewish Agency political director in Jerusalem, and Moshe Shertok, chief of all Agency political operations, told the UN Palestine Commission that Jews must arm against possible Arab threats and Shertok demanded a UN policy that would compel the U.S. to lift its embargo on arms destined for Jewish groups in the Middle East.
January 26, 1948, Jerusalem. Rabbi Hillel Silver, chief of the Jewish Agency’s American division, cut short a trip to Jerusalem to return to the U.S. and campaign for American public support of armed Jewish backing for partition and eventual Zionist control of all Palestine. On January 27, his agency called upon 15,000 young men and women to join Haganah by February 15. British intelligence reports indicate that Haganah had grown from 3,500 to 12,000 full-time members since December 1.
January 31, 1948, London. British Foreign Office officials revealed that over 1,000 Soviets, all Russian-speaking Communist military technicians, had been intercepted on the immigrant ships “Pan York” and “Pan Crescent.”
February 1, 1948, Jerusalem. Arab groups took credit for a bombing that destroyed the “Palestine Post” building. The newspaper had an extensive history of inciting the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem to “destroy Arabs and force them out” of Palestine.
February 1, 1948, Milwaukee. Moshe Shertok, Jewish Agency political director, stated that statements that Communist agents were among the intercepted “Pan York” and “Pan Crescent” immigrants from Bulgaria were untrue. Shertok cited a statement from Cyprus refugee camp commissioner, Sir Godfrey Collins, confirming his statement. Collins subsequently denied making such a statement. Shertok further said that the Jews of Palestine welcomed all Jews into their country and that Jewish Communists were equally welcome. He denied rumors of Soviet clandestine assistance to various Jewish terrorist groups.
February 3, 1948, Jerusalem. Stern gang terrorists killed two British policemen because the bombers of the “Post” had allegedly worn police uniforms. Arabs attacked the Jerusalem Central Prison but were driven off by the guards.
February 6, 1948, London. The British Foreign Office sent Bulgaria a note of rebuke for “deliberately conniving” in the transshipment of illegal Soviet immigrants to Palestine.
February 10, 1948, Jerusalem. British military units prevented Arabs from bringing dynamite and firebombs into Jerusalem’s Old City in an attempt to blow up its Jewish Quarter.
February 10, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorist groups murdered ten Arabs near an RAF camp in central Palestine. A further 23 Arabs were murdered by Jewish groups throughout Palestine.
February 11, 1948, Palestine. The British Royal Navy intercepted the ship “Beleaguered Jerusalem” off Nahariya and its 679 Jewish illegal immigrants were transshipped to Cyprus.
February 13, 1948, Palestine. A British Army sergeant was arrested in a probe of the death of four Jewish terrorists who were arrested at their sniper post and then released in an Arab neighborhood. The Jews were immediately stoned to death by the Arabs.
February 15, 1948, Galilee. Jewish terrorists raided an Arab settlement in upper Galilee, killing 30 Arabs, including 10 children, and blew up bridges.
February 16, 1948, New York. The UN Palestine Commission reported to the Security Council that it would take a UN military force to save the Palestine partition from “catastrophic” failure. The report criticized “[c]ertain elements of the Jewish community,” for “irresponsible acts of violence which worsen the security situation.”
The Commission quoted official British figures on Palestine casualties during November 30-February 1: 869 killed, including 427 Arabs, 381 Jews, 46 British and 15 of other nationalities; 1,909 wounded, including 1,035 Arabs, 725 Jews, 135 British and 14 others.
February 20, 1948, Jerusalem. Twelve Jewish terrorists, including Moshe Svorai, second in command of the Stern gang, escaped from the Central Prison in Jerusalem.
February 22, 1948, Jerusalem. Two truckloads of high explosives were detonated in Ben Yehuda Street in the Jewish section of Jerusalem.
The blast leveled a three block Jewish business center, killing at least 60 with 20 missing and 200 injured. Jews blamed the British because armored trucks with police insignia had escorted the truck bombs into the area.
February 23, 1948, Palestine. Northern Palestine Arabs took credit for the Ben Yehuda bombing and said they had carried out the attack as retaliation for a Jewish bombing that had killed seven Arabs in Ramleh.
February 27, 1948, Jerusalem. Two anti-Communist Polish residents of Jerusalem were murdered by Stern gang terrorists who claimed the Poles were “pro-Arab.”
February 29, 1948, Rehovoth. The British Mandate Government denounced the Jewish Agency after 28 British soldiers were killed and 35 seriously injured when a Haifa-bound train from Cairo was blown up. Stern gang terrorists took credit for the bombing of the British train as revenge for the Ben Yehuda Street bombing in Jerusalem.
March 1, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Mandate government accused the Jewish Agency of circulating false charges that Britons had committed the Ben Yehuda bombing and of tolerating Jewish terrorists “for political reasons.” It warned that “continuance of indiscriminate murder” would mean “forfeiture by the Jewish community of all right ... to be numbered among civilized peoples.”
Immediately after issuance of this statement, the car of British Commander Lt. Gen. McMillan was bombed near Jerusalem but the general was not in the car at the time.
March 2, 1948, Haifa. Stern gang terrorists detonated a truckful of explosives at an Arab office building in Haifa, killing at least 14 Arabs.
March 4, 1948, Ramallah. In retaliation for the Haifa bombing of March 2, Arabs ambushed and killed 17 Haganah youths near Ramallah.
March 5, 1948, Tel Aviv. Haganah killed 15 Arabs near Tel Aviv in revenge for the March 4 ambush of their members.
March 5, 1948, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency stated that large-scale Jewish arms shipments were ready in various Mediterranean ports destined for the arming of Jewish partisans in Palestine to “fight and drive out” the Arab population of what the Agency stated “was eternal Jewish land” that could not be occupied by either the British or the Arabs.
March 11, 1948, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency’s building in Jerusalem was bombed with 13 persons killed and 84 injured. An American car, believed to have been stolen from the U.S. consulate by an Arab chauffeur, was driven through the agency’s elaborate barricades with a load of explosives. The driver escaped.
March 11, 1948, New York. Communist and their left wing labor unions turned out over 10,000 persons in a protest rally against U.S. “betrayal” of partition.
March 12, 1948, New York. Columnist Drew Pearson said in his “Washington Merry-Go-Round” column that President Harry Truman had given Democratic party leaders the following reason for holding back on enforcement of Palestine partition after having championed this in the UN last year:
Russia was after a U.S. Army-built railroad north from the Persian Gulf, plus all Arab oil regions and the Eastern Mediterranean. On March, Pearson had stated in the same forum that President Truman had told a New York publisher that New York Jews were “disloyal” to the United States.
March 12, 1948, New York. An Arab Higher Command paper was issued that charged the Jewish Agency with massing Soviet trained and equipped illegal immigrants in Eastern Europe for war service in Palestine and had “set up laboratories for bacteriological warfare.”
March 17, 1948, Palestine. British authorities released the latest casualty figures:
In March, 566 persons, including 271 Jews, 256 Arabs, 39 British and others were killed.
March 30, 1948, New York. Soviet and Jewish groups informed the UN Security Council that they defended the UN’s previous decision for a separate Jewish state. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko, told the Security Council that partition was “a just solution,” that he was not convinced that it could not be carried out peacefully and that by “wrecking” it the U.S. would have to take the full blame for “a serious blow upon the UN organization.”
April 1, 1948, New York. The UN found that it had transversed a circle—from one General Assembly session to another—in its year-long effort to solve the Palestine problem.
Britain referred the Holy Land dispute to the UN April 2, 1947, and asked for a special Assembly session. Events since then:
April 29-May 15, 1947, Assembly met, decided on special committee inquiry into the Palestine situation.
August 31, Special Palestine Committee (UNSCOP) recommended partition, internationalized Jerusalem.
November 29, Assembly approved partition, 33-13 (10 abstentions), U.S. led the fight for a separate Jewish state. Intensified Arab-Jewish fighting in Palestine.
December 11, Britain set May 15 as the date for surrender of its mandate over Palestine.
February 16, 1948, Assembly’s Palestine Commission asked for UN army to enforce partition over Arab resistance.
February 24, U.S. sidestepped endorsing forcible partition, asked the Council to seek Arab-Jewish agreement.
March 19, After the Big Five conciliation efforts failed, the U.S. abandoned its partition plan and proposed UN trusteeship over Palestine.
April 1, The Security Council agreed (Russia abstaining) to U.S. proposal for a special Assembly session to reconsider the Palestine problem and passed the U.S. resolution urging an Arab-Jewish truce.
April 4, 1948, New York. A Zionist rally in New York’s Madison Square Park was attended by 100,000 persons, including 40,000 Jewish war veterans.
April 6, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorists invaded the British Army’s largest camp near Pardes Hannan south of Haifa in a raid for firearms and murdered seven British soldiers.
April 9, 1948, Washington. The U.S. Department of State refused to lift its embargo on arms shipments to the Middle East.
April 9, 1948, Jerusalem. Irgun and Stern gang terrorists stormed an Arab suburb of Jerusalem, Dir Yashin, killing 250 Arabs, half of them women and children.
April 25, 1948, Jaffa. The Irgun launched an attack on Arab Jaffa claiming that it was a stronghold for Arabs. They also attacked Tel Aviv with 2,000 men, armored cars and mortars and captured the Arab district of Mansieh. Their advance was halted when British fighter planes and light artillery were used against the Irgun.
April 27, 1948, Palestine. Initially condemning the Irgun for its attack on Jaffa, the Haganah reached an agreement with Irgun and the latter agreed to operate under Haganah control. Both groups then attacked, Haganah seizing Jaffa’s eastern and southern suburbs. The Arab city was encircled by April 29, and all but 15,000 of Jaffa’s Arab inhabitants had been driven from the city, although the town was officially termed an Arab area. In Tel Aviv, the Stern gang robbed Barclay’s Bank of $1 million.
April 30, 1948, Jerusalem. Haganah scored victories against the Arab residents after fruitless UN efforts to arrange a truce that would protect historical shrines in the ancient Walled City. Jewish extremists threatened to dynamite the Arab Dome of the Rock Mosque unless all Arabs immediately evacuated Jerusalem. The British response was that if this happened, they would blow up the Wailing Wall, the last remnant of the destroyed temple. The Haganah agreed to respect both Arab and Christian monuments but insisted all Arabs and Christians must leave Jerusalem. In a move they described as “defensive,” the Haganah overran the Christian Arab Katamon quarter in southwestern modern Jerusalem and captured most of the Moslem Mamilla cemetery. Jewish workers seized the general post office in Jerusalem. In Katamon, Haganah captured St. Simon’s Greek Orthodox Monastery, drove out the monks and vandalized the building. British troops stepped in to prevent further massacre of the Arabs.
May 2, 1948, Jerusalem. The British finally halted widespread strife in Jerusalem by rushing several thousand mechanized army units and Royal Marine commandos back to Palestine. Their primary purpose was to protect Arab civilians who were being slaughtered by rampaging Zionists.
May 5-8, 1948, Palestine. The Haganah, now styling itself a “Jewish Army,” struck Upper Galilee in northeastern Palestine and claimed to have crushed any Arab resistance by the end of the week. Safad, capital of Upper Galilee and normally a city of 15,000 Arabs, was reported by the Jewish Agency as having been “cleansed” of Arabs by May 6. The only remaining occupants of the town were 2,000 Jews. Haganah announced that all Arab property had been confiscated from the owners and would be given to Jewish settlers.
May 4, 1948, Tel Aviv. The 37-man Jewish Legislative Council met in Tel Aviv and heard Premier-designate David Ben-Gurion declare that 150,000 Arabs had been driven from their homes in the past five months but that the Jews “haven’t lost a single settlement.” The Stern gang resumed “direct war” against the British for protecting the Arab population in Jerusalem. Seven British soldiers were killed near Nethanya. At the same time, Stern gang took credit for a letter bomb which killed the young brother of a British army officer in England.
May 6, 1948, Jerusalem. Haganah was re designated as the Jewish State Army and reported that 200 aircraft, later revealed by British authorities as having come from Czechoslovakia, whose new communist government is almost entirely composed of Zionists and who have been pouring weapons into Palestine, are slated to reinforce the new army. The army will be increased to 85,000 immediately.
May 16, 1948, New York. The number of states recognizing Israel increased to eight this week, and the new country applied for admission to the UN. Russia immediately granted recognition on May 17, implying that it recognized Israel’s government as the de jure (legal) government while the United States recognized Israel only as the de facto (in fact) government.
May 22, 1948, Jerusalem. Thomas Wasson, U.S. Consul General in Jerusalem and a member of the Council’s Truce Commission, was fatally wounded by a Stern gang sniper near the U.S. Consulate. Two other Consulate members were also assaulted, one dying the next day.
September 17, 1948, Jerusalem. Angered by his order to readmit 8,000 Arab refugees driven from three villages near Haifa by attacks of Jewish terrorists, the Stern gang assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator for Palestine. Also killed in the attack was French Col. André Serot, chief of France’s 100-man contingent in the unarmed UN truce-observer team.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 20.10.2015 kl. 23:48
Þorsteinn Sch.: Ég hef þrjár athugasemdir, tvær af þeim varðandi #49 og #86 sem þú skrifaðir.
1. Illræmdustu og grimmúðlegustu þrælahaldarar mannkynssögunnar voru arabar. Grimmd Evrópubúa og Bandaríkjamanna gagnvart þrælum bliknar í samanburði við grimmúðlega meðferð helvítis arabanna, sem fóru með svarta Afríkumenn ver en skepnur. Og arabar/islamistar hafa ekkert breytzt síðan, þeir eru ekki komnir niður úr trjánum ennþá og þeir eru ennþá morðóðir barnaníðingar.
2. Talan 666 hefur ekkert með djöfulinn að gera en þessi tala var í Nýja testamentinu tengt við munkalifnað íhaldssamra bókstafstrúarmanna.
3. Fyrst þú ert alveg sömu skoðunar og morðóði fjöldamorðinginn Breivik, sendirðu honum ekki reglulega ástarbréf eins og hinir geðsjúklingarnir sem elska hann?
Pétur D. (IP-tala skráð) 21.10.2015 kl. 08:42
Sæll Pétur D.
Ég hef aldrei sagt, að "grimmúðlegustu þrælahaldarar mannkynssögunnar" hafi verið Arabar, þú?
Í athugasemd #49 bendi ég reyndar á linka yfir bækur og greinar, og í því sambandi er ekki minnst á Araba. Það voru þessir Talmud fylgjendur sem að áttu skipin og héldu uppboðin á þrælum, og eins og þú segir réttilega: "fóru með svarta Afríkumenn ver en skepnur."
Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Black Holocaust
AFRICAN HOLOCAUST (Maafa) | Greatest Holocaust in ...
Slavery and the Jews - The Atlantic
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume I
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume II
Auction Sales Jews Selling Blacks Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews
Who Brought the Slaves to America?
2. Hvað varðar töluna 666 í Opinberunarbókin 13:17-18 "..og kemur því til leiðar, að enginn geti keypt og selt, nema hann hafi merki dýrsins eða tölu nafn þess. Hér reynir á speki. Sá sem skilning hefur reikni tölu dýrsins, því að tala manns er það,og tala hans er sex hundruð sextíu og sex.
í þessu sambandi þá vildi ég benda þér á bókina The six-pointed star,eftir dr O.J. Graham sem hægt er nálgast á http://www.amazon.com/Six-Pointed-Star-Its-Origin-Usage/dp/0968938302/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445423907&sr=8-1&keywords=The+six-pointed+star%2C+Dr+O.J.+Graham
"Star of David = 6 lines, 6 points, 6 intersections (666) The Magen David/Star of David/Seal of Solomon/Hexagram is NOT of Jewish origin, but instead finds its origin in pagan idolatry towards Ashtoreth which was adopted by Israel's king Solomon in defiance of God's commandments. The six pointed star was used in Gnostic and even Islamic artwork and symbolism before it came to use amoung Jews. It was adopted by Cabalists who got their beliefs from the earlier heretic Gnostics who believed the God of the Old Testament was evil and worshipped Lucifer. Issac Luria was a Cabalist who popularized it in the sixteenth century and it was used on a coat of arms by the banking family of Rothschild. Further on down the line the hexagram was utilized as the symbol for Zionism and became the emblem of the Israeli flag."(The six-pointed star, Dr O.J. Graham, bls 91.)
"Dr. Shaki told me he knew that the six-pointed star was not Jewish but pagan, and it was he in fact who loaned me my second reference The Jewish Connection by Hirsch Golgberg."(The six-pointed star, Dr O.J. Graham, bls. 2)
"The hexagram, or six-pointed star, certainly has three sixes. It contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. Count the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction, the sides facing the counter -clockwise direction , and the third six - the sides of the inner hexagon" (The six-pointed star, Dr O.J. Graham, bls 91.)
3. Ég er ekki sömu skoðunar og Zíonistinn hann Breivik sem er á móti Aröbum, Íslam og Múslimum, og hérna EKKI styð ég English Defence League (EDL) eins og Breivik gerði. Nú og eins og kemur hér fram í athugasemd fyrir ofan, þá svaraði ég og sagði: "NEI ekki svara þessu hatri þeirra með hatri". Hvernig er það verður þú ekki bara að reyna finna eitthvað annað til að klína á mig, eða svona eins og Mofi karlinn er alltaf reyna, með reyna núna að finna rétta kortið er á sanna allt landsvæði
Ísraels og svo Palestínu, eða eitthvað annað kort en Zionista MSNBC sjónvarpsstöðinni sýndi.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 21.10.2015 kl. 11:34
Þorsteinn, hér er færsla sem m.a. útskýrir töluna 666:
Pétur D. (IP-tala skráð) 21.10.2015 kl. 13:17
"Þjóðkirkjan fær 44,5 milljónum krónum meira á fjárlögum næsta árs en hún fékk árið 2013, að frátöldum almennum verðlagsbreytingum, samkvæmt fjárlagafrumvarpinu.
Heildarfjárveiting til þjóðkirkjunnar árið 2014 verður 1.474 milljónir króna, miðað við 1.439 milljónir króna árið 2013.
Gert er ráð fyrir að sóknargjöld aukist samtals um 65,5 milljónir króna og gerð tillaga um samtals 65,5 milljóna króna hækkun á viðbótarframlagi til að vega á móti skerðingum fyrri ára.
Hækkunin mun nema 55 milljónum króna til sókna þjóðkirkjunnar, sem fá þar með 100 milljóna króna aukaframlag árið 2014.
10,5 milljónir króna fara til annarra trúfélaga, sem fá þar með 17,5 milljónir króna í aukaframlag."
Þorsteinn Briem, 21.10.2015 kl. 19:09
Mófi Þetta fólk ber ábyrgð

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 21.10.2015 kl. 23:58
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:00
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:01
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:03
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:04
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:08
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:10
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:11
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:18
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:21
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 00:29
Sem betur fer styður Þorsteinn ekki sama málstað og ég; ég held ég bara gæti ímyndað mér að vera í sama liði og hann eða verri talsmann einhvers málstaðar.
Mofi, 22.10.2015 kl. 11:53
Mofi Þú styður svona Zíonista eins og John Hagee hérna og bara allt fyrir Zíonista Ísrael.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:07
Mofi En ég styð þessa hérna háttvirtu Gyðinga

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:10
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:13
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:15
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:18
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:24
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 22.10.2015 kl. 23:27
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 00:47
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 00:53
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 00:54
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 00:56
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 00:59
Mofi Ég verða greinilega að pósta meira hérna, þar sem ég hef verið svo lélegur talmaður með koma með svona upplýsingar og annað.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:06
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:07
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:07
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:08
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:09
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:10
Mofi Ég verða greinilega að pósta meira hérna, þar sem ég hef verið svo lélegur talmaður með að koma með upplýsingar og annað.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:13
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:14
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:16
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:18
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:19
Mofi Ég verða greinilega að pósta meira hérna, þar sem ég hef verið svo lélegur talmaður með að koma með upplýsingar og annað.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:21
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:22
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:23
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:26
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:27
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:27
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:28
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:29
Mofi Ég verða greinilega að pósta meira hérna, þar sem ég hef verið svo lélegur talmaður með að koma með upplýsingar og annað.

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:32
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:33
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:34
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:36
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:37
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:39
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:40
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:40
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:41
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:42
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:43
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:44
Mofi Ég verða greinilega að pósta meira hérna, þar sem ég hef verið svo lélegur talmaður með að koma með upplýsingar og annað.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:45
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:46
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:47
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:48
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:50
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:51
Mofi Ég verða greinilega að pósta meira hérna, þar sem ég hef verið svo lélegur talmaður með að koma með upplýsingar og annað.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:52
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:53
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:55
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:55
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:56
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 01:58
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 02:00
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 02:02
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 02:02
Þú hefur eyðilagt þesa síðu hér með ofvirkni þinni og rangtúlkunum, Þorsteinn, eins og nafni þinn reyndi hér áður.
Jón Valur Jensson, 23.10.2015 kl. 06:42
Jón Valur
Það er málfrelsi og tjáningafrelsi hérna á blogg-inu, og þessi vefsíða er alls ekki eyðilögð, vefsíðan öll virkar mjög vel og fínt í vefskoðarnum mínum. Þið stuðningsmenn fyrir Stærra Zíonista Rasista Ísrael hafði hins vegar rangtúlkað svo margt gegn Palestínumönnum og það þarf að reyna svara því.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 10:40
Það er sorglegt að sjá þig, mann sem mér þykir vænt um og átti að samherja í Icesave- og ESB-málum, halda uppi þessum árásum á ríki Gyðinga.
Er kannski meiri ástæða til þess en að ráðast á ýmis harðstjórnar- og mannréttindabrota-ríki araba og annarra múslima?
Jón Valur Jensson, 23.10.2015 kl. 17:04
Sæll Jón Valur
Þetta er ekki ríki Gyðinga, heldur Zíonista og Talmud fylgjenda. Gyðingar er fylgja Gamla Testamentinu eru á móti Zíonisma og þessu Zíonista ríki (Zíonista Ísrael). Það eru ekki Gyðingar sem haga sér svona eins og þessir Zíonistar.
Hver segir að Zíonistar í dag séu Gyðingar Gamala Testamentisins?
Hver segir að þetta Ashkenazi Khazar fólk séu Gyðingar, þegar að allar DNA niðurstöður segja að þeir séu ekki neitt blóðskyldir Gyðingum Gamla Testamentisins? Þar sem að Zíonistar er fylgjendur Talmud -ritanna og ekki fylgjendur Gamla Testamentisins, hver segir að Zíonistar séu Gyðingar?
Hver segir að Zíonistar þarna séu Gyðingar þegar að þetta Ashkenazi Khazar fólk er alls ekki blóðskylt þeim Abraham, Ísak og Jakob?
Nú og Háttvirtir Gyðingar er fylgja GT. hafa aldrei viðurkennt þetta Ashkenazi Khazar Zíonista-lið sem Gyðinga, heldur harðlega mótmælt þeim og þessum Zíonisma
"The Zionists have no right of any sovereignty over even one inch of the Holy Land. They do not represent the Jewish people in any way whatsoever. They have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people. Therefore, their words, declarations and actions are not in any way representative of the Jewish people. This is because the Zionists' seizing of power over the Holy Land is antithetical to Jewish law, and also because the Zionists do not behave like Jews at all.." http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/zionism/notjews.cfm
"Majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin, not Semitic." (Jewish Encyclopedia (1973) A. N. Poliak, Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Tel Aviv University.)
Þannig að hættu að kalla þetta fólk Gyðinga, því að þetta Zíonista-lið hefur stolið þeirra virðulega nafni og misnotað þeirra virðulega nafn Gyðingar, er það skilið?
"Semitism refers to a group of languages used by various tribes of what we call the Middle East. Zionism is a political movement founded by Ashkenazi Sabbateans in the 1800s in Europe. The Ashkenazi, of Turkic/Mongol/Caucasian descent, are mostly Russian, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Polish. They are Jewish by conversion. Roughly 95% of the population of Israel is Ashkenazi. Sephardic Jews, those of true Semitic lineage, are second class citizens in Israel. Israel was designed by Zionists to function as a racist, Apartheid state. Zionism is nobody's friend, least of all to true Jews, whom Zionism hides behind. Israel is, in fact, an anti-Semitic state, in that it daily murders true Semites." Max Huthinson
" To this day the Ashkenazi Jews the heirs of the Khazar genealogical lineage, shun DNA tests. They want no evidence produced that will prove they are not Jews. They continue to lie and say they are Jews. In fact an increasing number of DNA studies and analyses have been published over decade. In every case NO DNA relationship to the ancient bloodline of the Israelites." http://www.scribd.com/doc/6249521/Synagogue-of-Satan-with-Colour-Photos-Andrew-Carrington-Hitchcock
Það hefur víða komið fram að þetta fólk (eða um 90% Ísraelsmanna í dag ) séu kominir frá fyrrum Khazaríu. Þá hafa þekktir höfunda viðurkennt að vera komnir af þessu fólki er bjó þarna í fyrrum Khazaríu á sínum tíma. "The Invention of The Jewish People" eftir hann Shlomo Sand. Chosen People from the Caucasus eftir Michael Bradley ,og The Thirteenth Tribe eftir Arhthur Koestler
Hver segir að þetta Askhenazi ættaða fólk er tók upp Talmudiska trú á tímun Bulans konugs um 700 ek. sé hin útvalda þjóð.og þegar að þetta fólk fer ekki eftir GT?
"The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart & blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe -- whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists -- we follow the TALMUD. It is our common law." Mr. Wouk
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 18:01
Byrjar drullan að renna sem enginn nennir að lesa
Mofi, 23.10.2015 kl. 18:05
Af hverju ertu hérna, og af hverju kemur þú ekki með kortið
"Ef þetta kort þarna frá Zionista MSNBC sjónvarpsstöðinni er allt saman lygar og vitlaust, hvar er þá hið rétta kort er sannar það sem þú ert að segir varðandi landsvæði Palestínumanna og svo Zíonista Ísrael, þú?"
Mofi hættu svo að kalla þetta fólk Gyðinga, því að þetta Zíonista-lið hefur stolið þeirra virðulega nafni og misnotað þeirra virðulega nafn Gyðingar, er það skilið?
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 18:20
Jón Valur
Það er sorglegt að vita til þess að þú og hann Múfi hérna hafið verið í því að styðja þetta Zíonista Rasista Ísrael við þetta her- og landnám gegn alþjóðalögum, og það gegn allri Kristnitrúar-uppbyggingu þarna í Palestínu, svo og gegn ykkar Kristnu Palestínu-trúbræðrum. Eitt er þó víst að þið munið aldrei, aldrei einu sinni heimsækja þessa Kristnu Palestínu-trúbræður ykkar í flóttamannabúðum, því að hjá ykkur þá er það bara Zíonista Ísrael sem skiptir máli og öll Kristintrú í Palestínu skiptir ekki neinu máli hjá ykkur.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 21:07
Það eru 20% af ríkisborgurum Ísraels múslímar á meðan það eru engnir gyðingar sem búa meðal araba. Svona sér ein af þeim konum sem eru múslímar en búa í Ísrael með mannréttindi og kosningarétt, eitthvað sem er ekki mikið um í múslímalöndum sjá: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSOMe9LuC-E
Mofi, 23.10.2015 kl. 21:20
Mofi "...það eru engnir gyðingar sem búa meðal araba.."
Þetta eru ekkert annað en lygar frá þér Mufi, Zíonistar (ATH. EKKI GYÐINGAR) búa í Palestínu á Vesturbakkanum og í Austurhluta Jerúsalem og það gegn alþjóðalögum. Zíonista hafa tekið landsvæði, hús, íbúðir frá Palestínumönnum, og það algjörleg gegn alþjóðalögum eins og hverjir aðrir þjófar.
Við höfum fjölmörg dæmi um þeir búi á Vesturbakkanum og í Hebron svo hættu þessu bulli, er ekki búið að rífa nógu mörg íbúðarhús, íbúðir, kirkjur, kirkjugarða, barnaleikvelli niður fyrir þetta Zíonista Rasista lið ykkar, eða þar nú að ljúga líka til að hægt sé rífa niður fleiri fleiri hús.
Þetta Zíonista áróðurmyndband með henni Sarah Zoabi, hefur ekkert að gera með landakort, en af hverju kemur þú ekki með kortið
varðandi annars vegar landsvæði Palestínumanna og svo hins vegar yfir Zíonista Ísrael?
"Ef þetta kort þarna frá Zionista MSNBC sjónvarpsstöðinni er allt saman lygar og vitlaust, hvar er þá hið rétta kort er sannar það sem þú ert að segir varðandi landsvæði Palestínumanna og svo Zíonista Ísrael, þú?"
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 23.10.2015 kl. 22:04
Í arabalöndunum í kring eða á þessu svæði búa ekki gyðinga, mega ekki einu sinni ferðast til margra ef ekki allra þessara landa. Ég þekki gyðinga hjón sem eru Aðventistar í kirkjunni sem ég fer í sem fræddu mig um þetta. Það búa heldur engnir gyðingar í Gaza eða á þeim svæðum sem palestínu arabar ráða yfir. Fyrir stofnun Ísraels þá bjuggu gyðingar, kristnir og arabar á því svæði sem kallast Palestína og þeir voru allir palestínumenn. Ekki að neinn vildi beint vera flokkaður þannig því það var ekki og hefur aldrei verið neitt Palestínuríki; það hefur enginn haft Palestínuríkisborgararétt. Allt landsvæðið við botn miðjarðarhafsins er síðan land sem múslímar tóku með valdi á sínum tíma.
Af hverju velur þú að rakka niður þessa konu? Af hverju byrjar þú að blaðra um hennar vitnisburð í samblandi við eitthvað kort? Stórfurðuleg hegðun. Kortið sem ég benti á stendur alveg fyrir sínu, þú hefur ekki hrakið neitt sem stendur á því.
Mofi, 24.10.2015 kl. 00:05
Þú ert alltaf með þessar lygar, aftur og aftur. Hættu þessu bulli Zíonistar geta ferðast út um allt, nema ef við erum að tala um þekkta Zíonista glæpamenn.
Það eru Zíonistar sem búa á Vesturbakkanum, það eru Zíonistar sem búa í Austurhluta Jerúsalem. Það eru Zíonistar sem stjórna öllu þarna með her og vopnum út um allt með frekju og yfirgangi. Það eru Zíonistar sem vernda allt sitt Zíonista-lið í Hebron og/eða á Vesturbakkanum.
En það er rétt þú getur ekki fundið neitt annað kort, en kortið sem stendur á lygar. Takk fyrir að svar svona með koma með EKKERT annað kort, en þetta aftur.
Svarið og skilaboðin frá þér eru bara, að þetta Zionista MSNBC sjónvarpsstöðinni er allt saman lygar og vitlaust, og svo ætlar þú ekki að hunskast til þess að staðfesta þetta með einhverju öðru korti eða réttu korti.
Það þýðir greinilega ekki neitt að spyrja þig aftur, EÐA "af hverju kemur þú ekki með kortið varðandi annars vegar landsvæði Palestínumanna og svo hins vegar yfir Zíonista Ísrael?"
Því að Zíonista MSNBC kortið er greinilega rétt, þrátt fyrir allt hvað varðar annars vegar landsvæði Palestínumanna og svo hins vegar yfir Zíonista Ísrael.
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 24.10.2015 kl. 01:36
Þú ert alltaf með þessar lygar, aftur og aftur. Hættu þessu bulli Zíonistar geta ferðast út um allt, nema ef við erum að tala um þekkta Zíonista glæpamenn.
Nú ertu að kalla vini mína, fólk sem ég umgengst lygara... er ekki allt í lagi með þig?
Það eru Zíonistar sem búa á Vesturbakkanum, það eru Zíonistar sem búa í Austurhluta Jerúsalem. Það eru Zíonistar sem stjórna öllu þarna með her og vopnum út um allt með frekju og yfirgangi. Það eru Zíonistar sem vernda allt sitt Zíonista-lið í Hebron og/eða á Vesturbakkanum.
Ahh... nú skil ég, þú lifir í öðrum alheimi en ég, það útskýrir allt saman.
En það er rétt þú getur ekki fundið neitt annað kort, en kortið sem stendur á lygar. Takk fyrir að svar svona með koma með EKKERT annað kort, en þetta aftur.
Þetta er þitt kort, aðeins með athugasemdum til að leiðrétta þínar lygar. 1946 dæmið að setja eins og þetta er Palestína er lygi af því að það var ekkert ríki Palestínumanna þarna, það hefur aldrei verið til. 1947 dæmið var tillaga Sameinuðu þjóðanna að tveggja ríkja lausn þar sem gyðingar fengju ákveðið svæði og Palestínumenn sitt svæði og ríki; þeir höfnuðu því og byrjuðu sitt stríð svo þeir hafa aldrei haft neitt af þessu svæði.
Mofi, 24.10.2015 kl. 07:41
Þú getur reynt að halda áfram að ljúga mér, en ekki einu sinni Zíonistar kaupa svona lygar, þar sem að Zíonistar hafa öll völd, svo og vopnavald yfir öllum Palestínumönnum á Vesturbakkanum og í Austurhluta Jerúsalem. Það eru Zíonistar sem stjórna og vakta yfir 699 check points, hlið og vegatálmanir á Vesturbakkanum og í Austurhluta Jerúsalem. Palestínumenn eru ekki með svona check points og vegatálmanir, þannig að ef einhver hefur ekki leyft þessu fólki þínu að fara, þá hafa það verið Zíonistar er stöðvuðu fólkið þarna, en ekki Palestínumenn. Það eru Zíonstar sem stöðva fólk og láta fólk bíða klukkutímum saman við checkpionts og oft leyfa fólki ekki að fara neitt. Það eru Zíonistar sem ráðast inn á heimili fólks og eyðileggja alla húsmuni. Það eru Zíonistar sem stela og ræna frá þessu fólki. Það eru Zíonistar sem rústa og/eða rífa niður hús, íbúðir, kirkjur, kirkjugarða, barnaleikvelli Kristnina Palestínumana og Palestínu Múslima og allt fyrir Zíonista landnema, sem þið stuðningsmenn fyrir Zíonista Rasista Ísrael styðjið svona líka endalaust án þess að spyrja eða athuga neitt.
Á þessum kortum stendur stórum stöfum lygar yfir öll kortin (eða eins og það sé stimplað), þar sem Zíonistar vilja meina þarna er að öll þessi kort og annað séu bara lygar, en hvar er þá rétt kort varðandi landsvæði Palestínumann og svo annars vegar Zíonista Ísrael, ef við gefum okkur það að Zíonista MSNBC kortið sé allt saman lygar?
Þessi tillaga er nefnd er þarna var aldri borin undir Palestínumenn, því að Zionistar voru önnum kafnir við sinna hryðjuverkastafsemi með sprengingum, íkveikjum, fjöldamorðum þarna, svo og með að reyna hræða íbúa (Palestæinumenn) í burtu. Nú og þetta byrjaði árið 1944 og það löngu fyrir stofnun Zíonista Rasista Ríkisins Ísraels 1948, ástandið var eins og helvíti á Jörðu fyrir Palestínumenn.
Fyrirgefðu en Palestína er ekki lygi, því á kortum fyrir stofnun Zionista Ísrael, er Palestína nefnd á nafn á kortum allt frá 17 öld sem ég hef séð, og auk þess var þarna Heimastjórn í Palestínu er gaf út m.a. mynt og frímerki. Þannig að þetta bull sem að Zionistar eru alltaf að reyna kom inn eru bara lygar. Hún hérna Golda Meir reyndi m.a. hvað eftir annað segja að Palestína hefði aldrei verið til , sjá hérna:
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 24.10.2015 kl. 20:24
Hér hefur þú mynd af Zíonista Rasista Israel- CheckPoint milli Gaza og Zíonista Ísrael, en það eru þrjá svona Check Points við Ísrael frá Gaza er Zíonistar vakta.

Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 24.10.2015 kl. 20:53
Þorsteinn, það er ekkert eitthvað umdeilt að landsvæðið er kallað Palestína en það þýðir ekki að um er að ræða einhverja sér þjóð. Fólkið sem hefur búið þarna í meira en þúsund ár hafa verið kristnir, múslímar og gyðingar. Ottómannveldið réði yfir þessu svæði og það var aldrei sér ríki. Ertu að segja mér að þessi einfalda sögulega staðreynd er eitthvað sem þú trúir ekki?
Hérna er smá um þetta: http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/139168
Náttúrulega, ef þú einfaldlega velur að trúa einhverjum samsærissíðum þá skulum við bara vera sammála um að vera ósammála, þú trúir einfaldlega heimildum sem ég tel ekki vera þess virði að skeina sér á.
Mofi, 25.10.2015 kl. 00:52
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.