"Tears and blood."

TEARS AND BLOOD.  (Með sínu lagi).


Now tears and blood are shed, Ukraine, 

in suffering, anguish and pain

when millions of people try to flee

their oncoming bitter destiny, 

bitter destiny.   


All over the world we hope and pray

that peace on earth will come and stay. 

But tears keep falling every day

because this vision seems far away, 

it seems so far away. 


The merciless killings and bombings are there,

all over the country, yes, anywhere. 

Destruction and damage, poisoned breath,

wounds and torture, torment and death, 

torment and death. 


The madness is complete; new standard set

when we hear the news about nuclear threat. 

"Mutual assured destruction" they say.

A huge deterrent game to play. 

For all the world to play. 


In "civilized world", how can this be,

which swiftly could kill both you and me?

Now all we can do is steadfast to stay

with tears in our eyes to hope and pray, 

hope and pray.  





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1 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

Afbragðs kveðskapur Ómsr

Halldór Jónsson, 7.3.2022 kl. 15:25

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