Oppenheimer, MAD and GAGA. Uppkast aš allri frumgeršinni.

Ķ kvöld, Paskadag, veršur Óskarsveršlaunamyndin Oppenheimer, sżnd ķ ķslensku sjónvarpi, sama dag og greint er frį žvķ ķ fréttum, aš žingmašur į Bandarķkjažingi hafi lagt til aš land hans bindi enda į deiluna ķ Gasa meš tveimur bandarķskum kjarnorkusprengjum eša jafnoka žeirra. 

Ķ alvöru? Jį. 

Undanfarnar vikur hefur mallaš hér į sķšunni uppkast aš lagi meš heitinu MAD and GAGA. Annars vegar į ensku og ķslensku, en hins vegar į ķslensku. Hér veršur nś birtur til brįšabirgša enski textinn, en hinn ķslenski sķšar. 

Hefst į stuttum lesnum formįla, en inn į milli ķ erindunum spyrja hjįróma raddir: Really? og fį svariš: Yes.



Since 1945 the foremost sientists and leaders of the world have developed a doctrine of mutual deterrent, huge nuclear arsenal of the super powers that can guarantee peace forever. 




MAD in English, GAGA in Icelandic,

mad and gaga so sweetly with ease

is mutual assured destruction in full

so we can be calm and rest in peace. 





A doctrine of security and peace of mind,

being ready to kill and leave noone behind;

kill every enemy, many times each,

and be sure that everyone is within reach. 





MAD, MAD, MUTUAL Assured destruction. 

The ultimate solution, war to end all war?

Deterrent balance of nuclear horror?

The doctrine of assured destruction,

almost divine function. 


MAD in English, GAGA in Icelandic;

į MAD og GAGA trśum hér. 

Gagnkvęm altryggš gereyšing allra 

meš tortķmingu, sem örugg er.  


P.S. Hér er ljóšiš hįlfnaš, en sķšari hlutinn bķšur birtingar til morgunS, sem nś er runninn upp meš seinni hlutann. 


MAD in English, GAGA in Icelandic, 

utmost deterrent is here to stay

so noone reluctantly

hesitates to go all the way. 


So, if and when we have to to it

with the last blast and breath

comes the utmost holy trinity:

serenety, silence, death.  


Sacred dreum since 1914:

War to end all war

in mutual assured destruction, 

the war with the  highes score. 


Paradoxical all the way;

Murphys law looming aside

every minute night and day 

in its secret place to bite.


The final solution: MAD, MAD, MAD, 

Mutual dead sure destruction. 

Holy trinity of last blast and breath:

serenety, silence, death. 



MAD must prewail, please, 

so we can all rest in peace. 









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