Misleading headline?

The headline "Snow covers the ground in Holuhraun" can be misleading, because the new lava is so hot that snow is immediatelly melted and the new lava continues to be black or red, but not white as the surroundings.

But snow fell in this area for the first time when I was there from Friday evening to Saturday morning and I´ll show two areal pictures in Facebook that were shot on Saturday morning that confirm this. 

One picture is taken over the west side of the new lava and shows snow surrounding it and the other picture shows small lavafield that was created in a short eruption three weeks ago south of the craters, that are active now and are producing the far greater lavafield now. 

For the first time the outlines of this new small lavfield can be unmistakebly and clearly seen against the white snow surrounding it.  

mbl.is Snow falling on Holuhraun
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