15.1.2015 | 08:45
En Íslendingar eru áfram með dollaraglampa í augunum.
Grænlendingar standa frammi fyrir nýjum veruleika í stað þess sem var nýr fyrir örfáum árum þegar þá dreymdi um að verða rík þjóð vegna gríðarlegra fjárfestinga stórra erlendra olíufyrirtækja og málmfyrirtækja. Nú kippa þessi erlendu fyrirtæki að sér hendinni.
Á Íslandi hefur hins vegar ekki heyrst um neitt svipað. "Heimshöfn" í Finnafirði eða jafnvel Loðmundarfirði, "miðstöð sjóflutninga á Norður-Atlantshafi", jarðgöng og hraðbrautir frá olíuhöfnunum um þvert og endilangt hálendið eru enn á dagskrá hjá okkur svo að dollaraglamparnir skína úr augum hér á landi.
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Hwa Jurong (IP-tala skráð) 15.1.2015 kl. 10:49
"Aluminum fell the most in more than a week as slumping oil prices signal lower costs to produce the energy-intensive metal."
"While crude is not the primary source of energy for the aluminum producers, energy accounts for about 30 percent of output costs and falling oil prices may have a deflationary impact, according to Macquarie Group Ltd."
Aluminum Drops After Oil Prices Slump to Lowest in Four Years
Þorsteinn Briem, 16.1.2015 kl. 18:42
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.1.2015 kl. 18:14
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.1.2015 kl. 18:20
14.1.2015 (síðastliðinn miðvikudag):
Natural gas: Turkmenistan faces competition from Russia as China's largest supplier
Þorsteinn Briem, 17.1.2015 kl. 20:44
Main foreign suppliers of energy to the European Union, 2012:

Þorsteinn Briem, 17.1.2015 kl. 23:03
Yellowstone-áin er rúmlega 1.100 kílómetra löng en Hringvegurinn hér á Íslandi er rúmlega 1.300 kílómetrar.
"Bridger’s pipeline pipeline runs from the Canadian border down through Montana across the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers and east into North Dakota, dubbed the Poplar System.
It is on the opposite side of Wyoming from, and downstream of, Yellowstone National Park, but the river empties into the Missouri River."
50000 Gallons Of Crude Oil Spills Into Partially Frozen Yellowstone River
Þorsteinn Briem, 20.1.2015 kl. 07:10
Hello Everyone, My name is Courtney Bieneman, a citizen of USA; am 42 years of age.. I want to use this medium to inform you all about the goodness of the lord for finally leading me to a really and genuine loan lender named Mr Mason Diego, the managing director of Diego Loan Company after been scammed by other fake lenders, i was hopeless and didn't know who to trust while he came and put a great smile on my face at my greatest surprise. Anyone of you that have also been a victim of scam, you should bother no more cos, i have bring you good news and the only lender you can trust, just contact them now via email: { diegoloancompany@yahoo.com } for more info on how to get your loan. And once again thanks be to Mr Mason Diego for giving me a loan of 154,000.00 USD...
Courtney Bieneman (IP-tala skráð) 21.1.2015 kl. 04:36
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