3.3.2018 | 10:36
Enginn mį undan lķta.
Ķ heimi, žar sem bśiš er aš koma meirihluta jaršarbśa ķ samskiptasamband af einhverju tagi og nżting aušlinda snertir hvern einasta jaršarbśa, skiptir nżting og mešferš aušlinda jaršar öllu mįli um stöšu og kjör hverrar einustu manneskju.
Aš vķsu eru enn hundruš milljóna manna žannig sett, aš žaš fólk lifir aš mestu viš sömu kjör og aftur ķ öldum, viš einangrun, menntunarleysi og örbirgš.
Sumir segja aš okkur Ķslendinga varši ekkert um kjör fólks ķ fjarlęgum löndum og aš viš berum engar skyldur til aš vera til dęmis meš žróunarašstoš.
Žegar litiš er į breyttan heim og įhrif žjóša į ašrar žjóšir er śrelt aš halda svona sjónarmišum fram.
Žaš blasir viš, aš engin leiš er til aš fįst viš vaxandi vandamįl vegna rįnyrkju į aušlindum jaršar nema meš samvinnu žjóša jaršar og į grundvelli žekkingar.
Stefįn Jón Hafstein er dęmi um vestręnan mann sem lét verkin tala ķ staš žess aš draga įlyktanir ķ anda strśtsins, sem stingur höfšinu ķ sandinn.
Žaš veršur enginn samur mašur eftir aš hafa kynnt sér ašstęšur ķ hjį hinum fįtęku žjóšum heims.
Enginn mį undan lķta.
Stefįn Jón kvešur Afrķku | |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Top 10 countries with the largest total number of immigrants
Žorsteinn Briem, 10.3.2018 kl. 21:26
Top 10 countries with the largest total number of immigrants
United States 46,627,102 (14.3% of country total and 19.8% of world total)
Germany 12,005,690 (14.9% of country total and 4.9% of world total)
Russia 11,643,276 (7.7% of country total and 4.8% of global total)
Saudi Arabia 9,060,433 (31.4% of country total and 3.9% of world total)
United Kingdom 8,543,120 (11.3% of country total and 3.7% of world total)
United Arab Emirates 7,826,981 (83.7% of country total and 3.4% of world total)
France 7,784,418 (11.1% of county total and 3.1% of world total)
Canada 7,284,069 (20.7% of country total and 3.1% of world total)
Australia 6,763,663 (27.7% of county total and 2.8% of world total)
Spain 5,852,953 (14% of country total and 2.8% of world total)
Žorsteinn Briem, 10.3.2018 kl. 21:30
Top 10 countries with the largest total number of immigrants:
United States 46,627,102 (14.3% of country total and 19.8% of world total)
Germany 12,005,690 (14.9% of country total and 4.9% of world total)
Russia 11,643,276 (7.7% of country total and 4.8% of global total)
Saudi Arabia 9,060,433 (31.4% of country total and 3.9% of world total)
United Kingdom 8,543,120 (11.3% of country total and 3.7% of world total)
United Arab Emirates 7,826,981 (83.7% of country total and 3.4% of world total)
France 7,784,418 (11.1% of county total and 3.1% of world total)
Canada 7,284,069 (20.7% of country total and 3.1% of world total)
Australia 6,763,663 (27.7% of county total and 2.8% of world total)
Spain 5,852,953 (14% of country total and 2.8% of world total)
Žorsteinn Briem, 10.3.2018 kl. 21:32
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.