Let it be done! Mission and fun! Kraftur! Landvernd! Cyclothon!

Frátt er jafn hrífandi og rífandi upp stemningu og að horfa á stórbrotna hjólreiðakeppni eins og Síminn Cyclothon. Að þessu sinni verður safnað áheitum til Landverndar, en mörg önnur góð málefni eins og Kraftur eru líka á þeirri dagskrá. 

Á facebook síðu minni i dag er tónlistarmyndbandið "Let it be done!" sem er hvatningaróður með uppruna í aðdraganda umhverfisráðstefnu Sameinuðu þjóðanna í París 2015, en einnig með tilvísun í "Fighting spirit and fun!"  





Let it be done! Come on, let´s have fun

on a journey to a fight, that must be won!


We are the generations that start cleaning up the earth! 

We are the generations that shall give new vision birth

spurting over obstacles up every slope and hill 

with ever groving endurance and strength and faith and will!


With power from clean energy we light the brightest beam!

With power from our deepest hearts because we have a dream!

By using all our wit and guts we sweep through storm and rain

to undertake enourmous task defying weariness and pain!


Let it be done! Fighting spirit and fun!

Bicycles on the run!

Father and mom! Daughter and son!

Electric bikes for everyone!


Inevitable energy exchange!


Across the ocean, over valleys, thundering through the sky

to promised land of love and peace our minds are flying high!

Sustainable developement shall prosper everywhere 

from the seabeds over continents up through the atmosphere!


We are the rangers, pledged to save the nature of the earth!

We are the generations that shall give its life new birth!

Let´s rins the water, clean the air to give us healthy breath, 

fighting for environment against it´s bitter death!


Let it be done! Come on, let´s have fun!

El-cars are on the run!

Father and mom, daughter and son!

Solarcars on the run!

Mission and fun!

Love and peace for everyone!

When the battle is won!

Food and health, said an done!

Human rights for everyone!

Life on earth on the run!

Let it be done!


mbl.is Farin af stað í Cyclothon
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