27.2.2022 | 22:47
Var aš hripa nišur uppkast af ljóši viš sérsamiš lag eftir aš ég sį vištengda frétt į mbl.is, nżbśinn aš blogga um hótanir Pśtķns um notkun kjarnorkuvopna.
MAD in English, GAGA in Icelandic,
mad og gaga everywhere
is mutual assured destruction
from the ground up to the atmosphere.
Į doctrine for security and peace of mind,
tó be ready to kill, if you would be so kind,
all the enmies, five times each
with all the globe within the reach.
Yes, that“s the divine doctrine of mutual
almost spiritual assured destruction,
yes, the belief in huge nuclear arsenal
to guarantee complete extermination
of every nation -
five times
if possible.
MAD in English, GAGA in Icelandic.
Mad og gaga trśarsetning er,
gagnkvęm altryggš gereyšing allra,
aš geta margdrepiš alla féndur hér.
MAD in English, GAGA in Icelandic,
overwhelming deterrent; should we pray
that everybody is ready to act like a sick
and not to hesitate to go all the way?
But if and when we do it
we have at last
after the last
and breath:
Serenety - silence - death.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.