2.3.2012 | 17:16
Eru Sżrlendingar bara tveir ?
Ķ frétt mbl.is um ummęli Pśtķns um Assad og Sżrland er haft eftir Pśtķn aš "Sżrlendingar žurfi aš hętta aš drepa hvorn annan."
Žessi orš eru órökrétt og žar aš auki ekki hęgt aš sega aš menn drepi hvorn annan heldur hvor annan, ž. e. ef mennirnir eru bara tveir.
En žvķ mišur eru Sżrlendingarnir fleiri en tveir sem drepa hverjir ašra. Ef sagt er aš Sżrlendingar drepi hvor annan er meš žvķ sagt aš ašeins tveir menn bśi ķ landinu, og verša žį engir eftir žegar hvor um sig hefur drepiš hinn.
Auk žess benda oršin "aš hętta aš drepa hvorn annan" til žess aš žessir tveir séu sķfellt aš drepa hvor annan, jafnvel dag eftir dag. En žaš er ekki hęgt aš drepa hvern mann nema einu sinni, er žaš?
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Pśtķn segist ekki styšja Assad |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
...............er haft eftir Pśtķn aš "Sżrlendingar žurfi aš hętta aš drepa hvorn annan."
Jęja, kann Pśtķn ķslensku?
Haukur Kristinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2012 kl. 17:29
Žś segir nokkuš Ómar, hvernig er žaš eigum viš aš trśa öllu sem kemur frį žessum Zķonista fjölmišlum hér (AP og reuters) og aldrei efast einu sinni um eitt eša neitt, og aldrei einu sinni slysast til žess aš athuga hvaš ašrir fjölmišlar eru aš segja ķ vķšara samhengi, eša hvaš?
Israel: "Wiped off The Map". The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by the US Media to Justify An All out War on Iran PDF ARASH NOROUZI
Jews trying to start World War III Video MrMainstreamer
The Ongoing Plot To Create "Greater Israel" PDF Zen Gardner
Tel Aviv抯 Command To Attack Libya Video Br. Nathanael
Neocons� Goal: Iran by Way of Libya PDF Raja MujtabaHow Zionism infiltrated the US Video Mark Bruzonsky
Traficant For President Video - Israel gets $15 billion dollars a year in money from the US
Report: Israel company recruiting Gadhafi mercenaries PDF Ma'an News Agency
Israel send 50,000 African Mercenaries to Libya 03-03-2011 Video
Catastrophic Zionism�: How Turmoil Benefits Israel PDF Michael Collins Piper
The Zionist Plan For Libya Video Brother Nathanael
Destroying Libya PDF Tony Cartalucci
How Zionists Divide and Conquer Local Copy .mp4 Dr. David Duke
How Israel Plans to Rule the World: Part 1 The Plan PDF james , winterpatriot.com
Israel’s Master Plan Video Br. Nathannael Real Zionist News
The Khazar Jewish Plan - Stunning Letter Of 1928 PDF
From Gaza to Tehran: Israel Asserting Middle East Supremacy PDF James Petras
Is World Government a Zionist bid for power? PDF
Is the US Waging Israel's Wars? The Prophecy of Oded Yinon PDF LINDA S. HEARD
Jewish American (Former IDF) Overhears Secret Meeting In Cemetery - In Hebrew PDF Ed Hass
Oil and Israel PDF Andrea Crandall - US foreign policy is geared to make Israel its primary transport route for Middle Eastern and Central Asian oil.
Israel's "new Middle East"* PDF Tanya Reinhart
The Neo-Conservative Imperial Agenda: A Perverse Project for a New American Century PDF -Keith Brekhus - Aside from putting weapons in outer space, the most disturbing and ambitious element of the PNAC foreign policy blueprint was the plan to “democratize” the Middle East through military conquest. The project’s dream scenario called for running the table in the Middle East by first imposing regime change on Iraq and then proceeding to take out the regimes in Iran, Syria and eventually moving on into Central and East Asia, culminating with regime change in China.
Top 21 Pieces of Evidence that Show Iraq is only the First Step to 'Reshaping the Middle East': A Reference for Seekers of Truth PDF Tom Ball
OBAMA & THE COMING ENERGY WARS PDF Brother Nathanael Kapner, - A little known Israeli oil piptline running from Ashkelon directly above the Gaza Strip to the southern tip of Israel in Eilat, is the key component of Israel’s recent invasion of Gaza. The pipeline, which has a capacity of 400,000 barrels a day, is known both as the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline and the Trans-Israel Pipeline (TIP)
A look at the Haifa-Mosul pipeline and the $2.5 trillion cost PDF judicial-inc.biz
Jewish Writers Claim Powerful Zionists Drove USA Into...War For Israel's Sake! PDF William Shannon - I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened. Thomas Friedman
Iraq Oil to be Shipped to Israel PDF Amiram Cohen
The MOSSAD asset in the White House and the Iraq-Israel Oil Pipeline PDF
Kirkuk to Haifa Pipeline: Reason for the War? PDF anarchore
Oil and Israel PDF Andrea Crandall
Dying For Israel抯 Oil Pipeline PDF
Oil and Israel behind Caucasus conflict PDF
Marines Suspect Intelligence Leaks After Recent Ambushes PDF - The IDF pits Marines against Sunnis, Shiites against Sunnis, Kurds against both, and so on.
Israeli firm awarded oil tender in Iraq PDF - Sonol will supply 25 million litres of fuel a month
Israeli Oil Company Gets Lucrative Contract In It's Own War (Iraq) PDF
Israel Oil Pipeline - Operation: Free Iraq Oil PDF
U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan PDF Amiram Cohen
Israeli Oil Company Gets Lucrative Contract in Iraq PDF Arab News
Israel is real beneficiary of Iraq oil PDF Press TV
Secret Relationship Between Israel and Oil PDF Wendy Campbell
1979 Agreement to Guarantee Israel's Oil Supply (.pdf)
George Soros and Egypt's New Constitution PDF Tony Cartalucci - For Egyptians, the nightmare is just beginning.
Israeli, U.S. generals taking control in Egypt PDF Tehran Times
Rights NGO claims that Israeli planes carrying crowd dispersal weapons have arrived in Egypt PDF Middle East
The Untold History of The Project for the New American Century Video
IRC's Right Web Profile of the PNAC
Project for a New American Century (PNAC) A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2012 kl. 21:14
Iran War: What Is AIPAC Planning? PDF - One Member of Congress has actually described what happened when she voted no on an AIPAC 揳sk.� Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) was threatened by an AIPAC official from her district, called a terrorist supporter and warned that her behavior 搘ould not be tolerated.�
Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2012 kl. 21:30
Góš athugasemd og žörf Ómar. Ekki er ég samt viss um aš žetta bjįlfa tal sé frį Pśtķn komiš, en ég er reyndar ekki góšur ķ Rśssnesku, svo mig er ekkert aš marka ķ žvķ efni.
Hrólfur Ž Hraundal, 2.3.2012 kl. 21:58
Aš sjįlfsögšu er ég aš benda į enn eitt dęmiš um žaš hvernig ķslenskir blašamenn viršast oft ekki kunna undirstöšuatriši móšurmįlsins.
Ómar Ragnarsson, 4.3.2012 kl. 16:03
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.